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@UoE_IAD is delighted to host #ResearcherRealities today. Many thanks to our Ops Team for all the support & to our chairs & tweeters. We're excited by this new initiative, led by @anna_pilz. Follow this 🧶 of the conversations.

Full programme:
@UoE_IAD @anna_pilz We start with a welcome from Fiona Phillipi @UoE_IAD. 🙏 for invitation to attendees to take time to listen, reflect & engage as they join our conversations on #ResearcherRealities.

Read why ‘Talking about #ResearcherRealities’ matters by @anna_pilz 👉 Image
In our 1st #ResearcherRealities conversation @Annie_Irvine @kcsamh, Andrew Schurer, @_CecileBM @GeosciencesEd & Dr Eilidh Garrett @SCADR_data will share insights into their “Researcher Career Journeys”.

👉accompanying blog series introduced by Cecile Image
Read 104 tweets
Let's take a deep dive into the intricacies of Internet Protocols (IPs) like TCP/IP, their history, and how these systems parallel to the Ethereum blockchain ecosystem.

This thread is technical - buckle up! #InternetProtocols #Ethereum
TCP/IP, the backbone of the internet, has its roots in the ARPANET project of the 1960s-70s.

It's a suite of protocols for data transmission and routing. TCP/IP is layered, each with its specific tasks:

Network Interface, Internet, Transport, and Application. #TCP_IP
The Network Interface layer (eg, Ethernet) takes care of the physical transmission of data.

Internet layer (eg, IP) ensures data packets are routed correctly

Transport layer (eg, TCP) guarantees reliable transmission

Application layer (eg, HTTP) is for user interactions
Read 20 tweets
1/ Nearly every non-native #ERC token including ALL #NFTs are FLAWED! 🚨

Yes, that includes most on #EVM compatible ⛓️

#ETH tokens FLAWED
#SOL tokens FLAWED
#BSC tokens FLAWED
#XRP tokens FLAWED
#AVAX, #FTM, #MATIC, #HBAR, #TRON all flawed!

You get the idea…

But why? 🧵
2/ Well first, unless you are brand new to #crypto then you’ve heard of a wallet being drained from interacting with a token/#NFT

Someone sends you an #NFT. You try to sell it or even burn it. Poof all your #crypto is gone! 🤯

WTH just happened?!? Read on…📖
3/ #ERC tokens are specialized smart contracts NOT actual tokens

This includes ERC-20 and ERC-721 tokens

So every token action be it fungible or non-fungible requires interaction with a smart contract
Read 20 tweets
2023 en #Espagne sera une année électorale majeure.
👉 Le 28 mai :
➡️ élections municipales (8 000 communes)
➡️ élections régionales (12 communautés autonomes sur 17).
👉 Novembre/décembre : élections générales (350 députés et 208 sénateurs).
Les municipales à surveiller :
👉 Madrid
👉 Barcelone
👉 Valence
👉 Las Palmas
👉 Alicante
👉 Santa Coloma de Gramenet
👉 Cadix
👉 Ourense
👉 Gérone.
Les régionales à surveiller :
👉 Communauté de Madrid
👉 Communauté valencienne
👉 Région de Murcie
👉 Estrémadure
👉 Navarre.
Read 18 tweets
I often compare @ERC_Research Starting grants to the #WorldCup. Both are very competitive and can be life changing. But where we expect footballers to receive top notch care, scientists are often not supported at all by institutions. This year a grand total of ZERO came to PT 1/
Is it because PT scientists are stupid? Unlikely, as routinely Portuguese are awarded these grants, but to work abroad. Is it because only a few select ones apply? In part yes, but our success rates are not that amazing anyway. 2/
Why then? Top footballers receive support: masseuses, green fields, private planes (not to mention pay that puts these millions to shame). Scientists from several countries get sabbaticals to write proposals, help from professional coaches, start-up funds for preliminary data 3/
Read 7 tweets
Struggling to make money in the bear market?

What if there was an opportunity that could make you over $50,000 USD? @optimismFND $OP was worth that at it's peak!

Read on, for how to qualify for one of the most anticipated airdrops of all time!

A (very long) 🧵
The airdrop we'll discover today is - @zksync

To begin: what is zkSync?

zkSync is an Ethereum scaling solution, using zero-knowledge proof technology. It aims to solve the Ethereum scaling problem with zero security compromises.
Its current functionality is low gas fees for transferring $ETH and #ERC-20 tokens on the @ethereum Network.

Link to their Github repository:…
Read 68 tweets
La clave de una buena reanimación cardiopulmonar son las compresiones. Es increíble ver en #simulación y en la vida real las veces que se paran las compresiones si te pones a mirar desde fuera 😔.
Son paradas totalmente innecesarias por falta de formación o de práctica.
Hay una cosa que se llama Fracción de Compresión Torácica, que es el porcentaje de tiempo del tiempo total de la reanimación en el que se practican compresiones. Debería ser mínimo del 60% pero intentar alcanzar el 80%.
Read 10 tweets
1/ While I'm not yet fully back from my extended break, I felt this day needed a little bonus thread. The past 2 chapters have been quite lenient on @TheGlitchFather and even absolved him of some conspiracies. The truth is what matters, not flinging accusations for the sake of it
2/ So while $ARC has been the dominant theme lately, we're heading back to $GLCH now. There are still some huge fans around that has labelled me a liar, and they might find this one interesting as it's easy to follow and do not require much research or critical thinking.
3/ One of the most prominent fans had a post on telegram the other day that I found funny. I had almost forgotten about @GlitchProtocol's ambition of being blockchain agnostic and bridge friendly. Image
Read 14 tweets
It's #ResusciTuesday and today we discuss about the use of point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS) during Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation with @NatasaSpr
#ResusciTuesday #ResusTwitter #ERC #RESUS22 #FOAMed #POCUS
@NatasaSpr POCUS has been adopted by many physicians over the past decades and has been integrated in CA algorithms for the detection and treatment of reversible causes such as pneumothorax and cardiac tamponade. Many different protocols have been proposed. (Anesthesiology 2021;135:508–519) Image
@NatasaSpr Pearls and Pitfalls
❌Right Ventricular dilation during CA: In isolation should not be used to diagnose massive PE. It is observed minutes after CA as blood shifts from systemic circulation to the right heart, probably as a result of hypovolaemia, hyperkalaemia and arrhythmia.
Read 13 tweets
🧵 THREAD N°26 : lire un #smartcontract

Les smart contracts sont le fondement du #Web3 : les applications décentralisées, les protocoles de #DeFi, etc. n'utilisent que ça... Pourtant, on s'intéresse rarement à ce qu'il y a à l'intérieur.

Voici comment lire un smart contract 👇
1/ Pour la suite de ce thread, je pars du principe que vous savez ce qu'est un smart contract. Si vous avez besoin d'un petit rappel, je vous invite à lire ce thread :
2/ Comme vous le savez donc maintenant, les smart contracts sont publics car inscrits sur une #blockchain. On peut donc à tous moment consulter les adresses concernées par le smart contract et le code qui contient les fonctions qu'il exécute.
Read 17 tweets
🧵 THREAD N°22 : que veut dire #wrapped en crypto ?

Si pour vous un wrap n'est rien d'autre qu'un sandwich McDo pas trop mauvais mais pas aussi bon qu'un hamburger, ce thread peut vous intéresser 😉

Qu'est-ce qu'une crypto "wrapped" ? 👇
1/ Vous avez peut-être entendu parler de "wrapped $ETH" ou #wrapped quoi que ce soit d'autre, et vous êtes passés à autre chose sans essayer de comprendre.

A partir d'aujourd'hui, vous pourrez dire que vous savez ce que signifie ce terme mystérieux.
2/ En réalité, c'est assez simple.

Lorsque vous utilisez une crypto, vous l'utilisez au sein d'une #blockchain. Une crypto n'est rien d'autre que ça : un token qui s'échange entre utilisateurs d'une certaine blockchain.
Read 13 tweets
🧵 THREAD N°20 : les #tokens pour les nuls

#ERC-20, ERC-721, ERC-1155... Il existe beaucoup de normes de tokens, sans qu'on comprenne toujours vraiment ce qui les distingue.

Aujourd'hui, on passe en revue les fonctionnalités des différents tokens sur $ETH 👇
1/ D'abord il faut être sûr de comprendre ce qu'est un #token.

Un token est un actif numérique inscrit sur une #blockchain. Cet actif peut prendre des formes très différentes : token qui accorde un droit de vote, qui verse des dividendes, qui prouve la propriété d'un objet...
2/ Les tokens peuvent donc avoir des utilités très différentes, et les développeurs de tokens se sont vite rendus compte qu'on pouvait les classer en plusieurs catégories selon les usages.

C'est ainsi que sont nées les standards #ERC ou Ethereum Request for Comment.
Read 17 tweets
Las últimas guías de RCP de la ERC nos recalcan algunos puntos interesantes de la colocación de los parches:
1️⃣ Colocación del parche apical en la línea axilar media izquierda, aprox a la altura del electrodo V6. (ver dibujo del primer tuit)
Es importante ver el dibujo, porque en mis clases de electros tengo que explicar bien donde va V6 y no es donde se cree la gente. Como nos dicen en las guías, en términos prácticos, la almohadilla debe colocarse justo debajo de la axila.
Read 9 tweets
¿Qué es mejor usar #amiodarona o #lidocaína en la reanimación cardiopulmonar (#RCP)?
Te cuento en este #hilo y ¡siempre con evidencia!

#urgencias #emergencias #urgenciasyemergencias #AHA #ERC #RCP #CPR #antiarrítmicos #ritmosdesfibrilables #FOAMed #FOANed #FOAMem
La #lidocaína siempre ha estado recomendada como tratamiento alternativo a la #amiodarona en la #PCR con ritmos desfibrilables pero no estaba incluida en los algoritmos por tener un nivel de evidencia menor que la amiodarona.
La evidencia disponible de ambos fármacos según #AHA antes del 2018 era:

⏩Amiodarona: clase 2b, nivel de #evidencia B-A (clase de recomendación baja, con beneficio mayor o igual al riesgo. Y nivel de evidencia otorgado por uno o varios estudios clínicos aleatorizados).
Read 13 tweets
🔥ACTUALIZACION en 𝐃𝐢𝐚𝐛𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐬 𝐀𝐃𝐀 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟐
📌Criterios diagnósticos en #Diabetes
📌Criterios diagnósticos en #PreDiabetes
📌Recomendaciones de control glucémico en adultos con diabetes
📌Glucosa Promedio estimada
👉 🧵
✍️ Fuente:… ImageImageImageImage
🔥ACTUALIZACION en 𝐃𝐢𝐚𝐛𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐬 𝐀𝐃𝐀 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟐
📌Clasificación de hipoglucemia
📌Criterios de cribado en pacientes con riesgo de diabetes
Seguimiento de pacientes con diabetes
👉 🧵
✍️ Fuente:… ImageImageImageImage
Read 7 tweets
What are the various #Ethereum ERC Token Standards?

A thread 🧵
#ERC (Ethereum Request for Comments) are Ethereum application-level specifications, such as token standards, name registries, library/package formats etc.
Anyone can make an ERC token with #Ethereum Blockchain app development, but the author must clarify their standard and gain community approval for it to be adopted widely.
Read 12 tweets
Science Twittersphere is largely a platform where successes are shared and applauded (and rightfully so, given the frustrating nature of everyday reality); I have not escaped this myself. Today however, I will share what has been a low in my academic life, related to #ERC grants.
...I applied 3x for an @ERC_Research grant. Never got one, once I made it through to the interviews round. However, I have received feedback for all three proposals and, of course, for my CV. And this feedback included 4-9 reviewers. Three things stood out in my view:
1. The use of qualifying words like "outstanding" and "excellent" is, in my opinion, wrong and should not be taken to reflect anything else than a relative ranking. It would be better for everyone, reviewers and applicants alike, if A-D was used.
Read 9 tweets
Some Thoughts on the #PPPloans and other small business stimulus now that the funds have dried up (hopefully temporarily). Some overriding thoughts I have are 1. The method and some of the issues of getting funds out, 2. The purpose of the funds, and 3. Where we go from here. 1/x
On the methodology of the #PaycheckProtectionProgram I know given the data out there that loans seemed skewed towards larger "small" businesses. I think that stems from a number of reasons. The first being just how banks work. 2/x
Banks are generally fairly conservative, risk adverse institutions- particularly post the banking collapse in 2008/2009. Having worked in that industry during that time period, I got to see the impact of this collapse and how banks changed as a result. 3/x
Read 32 tweets
I’ve been meaning to get this #Italian translation of #Avicenna for some time because it’s by Amos Bertolacci #Avicenna_Metaphysics 1/ ImageImageImageImage
He has an extensive introduction on the text with details of the translation as well as corrections to the standard #Cairo edition that runs over 130pp #Avicenna_Metaphysics 2/
Bertolacci also runs the #ERC funded project on producing a critical edition, translation and study of #Avicenna_Metaphysics which is sorely needed 3/
Read 5 tweets
🥳 We are celebrating 1 year of @ECHO_ERCproject 🤩

Started on 1st of March 2019, the project lead by Alberto Palloni has as the main objective to reformulate and generalize standard theories of human #health and #mortality.
💶: @ERC_Research 🇪🇺
🗓️: 5 years
#epidemiology #ERC
@ERC_Research @sebadaza @lauracilek @mathiasvoigt2 @Demografia_CSIC @CCHS_CSIC @Europeos_CSIC @REA_research @dordanovich During year 1, Alberto Palloni has:
-moved from @UWSoc 🇺🇸 ✈️ to @CSIC 🇪🇸
-set his own team of researchers and collaborators, specialised in #sociology, #demography, #geography, #epidemiology and #epigenetics👩🏽‍💻🧑🏻‍💼👨🏾‍💻👩‍🔬
-identified suitable health #databases & #longitudinal studies
@ERC_Research @sebadaza @lauracilek @mathiasvoigt2 @Demografia_CSIC @CCHS_CSIC @Europeos_CSIC @REA_research @dordanovich @UWSoc @CSIC @IEGD_CSIC Meet Alberto's team at @CCHS_CSIC!
-Diego Ramiro: Director of @IEGD_CSIC @Demografia_CSIC
-Sebastián Daza: Demographer and Social Data Scientist @sebadaza
-Mathias Voigt: Demographer @mathiasvoigt2
-Dariya Ordanovich: Geographer, GIS Specialist and Data Scientist @dordanovich
Read 9 tweets
Syriac Galen Palimpsest is a cool project and great to know that philological research still continues run by @peterepormann and @SBhayro…
Earlier @peterepormann had the #ERC funded Hippocrates aphorisms project…
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@HistPhilosophy @ExeterIAIS talking about his #ERC project 1/ ImageImage
Context is the rise in interest in ethical treatment of animals - one thinks of #PeterSinger - and also a different way to approach thought in #Islam away from usual stereotypes 2/
The key text of the #Greek background is #Porphyry On Abstention… which presents a Neoplatonic case for forgoing meat as pleasure 3/ Image
Read 13 tweets
Today we launch the @ECHO_ERCproject online!🥳
ECHO is lead by Alberto Palloni & financed by the @ERC_Research #H2020 programme🇪🇺
The project started on March 2019 and will run until 2024, hosted at the Institute of Economy,Geography and Demography of @CCHS_CSIC #Madrid
@ERC_Research @CCHS_CSIC What we want to do?🧐
👉🏾 reformulate and generalize standard theories of human #health and #mortality
👉🏾propose new formal models and a systematic agenda to empirically test hypotheses that link developmental #biology, #epigenetics and adult human illness, #disability mortality.
@ERC_Research @CCHS_CSIC Together with Alberto Palloni, the team is joined by demographers, geographers and technicians:

The more, the better! @ECHO_ERCproject also collaborates with other scientists who provide knowledge and expertise to achieve the ambitious research programme
Read 6 tweets
😃👋 Welcome to #30days30waysUK 2019🇬🇧
🎀🎉 the 5th anniversary edition of the ‘September is #Preparedness Month’ games on social media:
1⃣ game rules:…
2⃣ follow #30days30waysUK, like-share-reply
3⃣ do the daily challenges

⬇️open & bookmark this thread
😃🙌👏first, #shoutouts to our international friends
🇺🇸 running #30days30ways USA
🇭🇷 running #30days30waysCR Croatia
@globalnetworkdr members who are looking at how to run #preparedness games in their communities.

#DRR #EMGtwitter #SMEM @UNDRR @PreventionWeb

⬇️ daily thread
Day 1 #30days30waysUK is about #WhatEmergency to #UnderstandRisk – your thread is at

🤔Games rules:…
🙂Email sign up:…
😎Participate: follow & post using #30days30waysUK
#SMEM #EMGtwitter
Read 35 tweets

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