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Strong second.

I loved working with terrific editors @monkeycageblog, including @ejgraff @ErikVoeten @henryfarrell @vanessa_lide @ProfSaunders @segoddard and others, who helped make my academic and policy commentary legible to a wider audience.

11 hits of gratitude. Thread👇
When I had just defended my dissertation and was on the job market, @ErikVoeten encouraged me to try to develop some of my arguments around #ISDS for a policy audience. It ended up becoming a section of my book Judge Knot.…
A year later, I was able to continue that line of work and analysis by looking at how trade rules were upending North American energy markets.…
Read 15 tweets
🧵 on the next steps following the historic announcement of @EmmanuelMacron on the withdrawal of 🇫🇷 from the Energy Charter Treaty #ECT
There 4 distinct steps to make today’s French decision effective

Step 1: A qualified majority vote (55% of MSs representing 66% of EU population) is needed to withdraw the EU from the #ECT
This vote should occur before 22/11, the day of the Energy Charter Conference (highest body of the #ECT) meeting where approval or disapproval of the conclusions of the négociations will take place
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‼️Breaking ‼️

The French High Council for Climate @hc_climat released its assessment of the so-called agreement in principle on the modernization of the ecocide Energy Charter Treaty #ECT
According to @hc_climat
1- The timeline for the phase out of protection of foreign investment in fossil fuels proposed by the EU does not match with the timeline for thé decarbonisation of 🇫🇷
2-The proposed text for modernisation is not compatible with #ParisAgreement
3-The proposed text for modernization does not fully eliminate the risk of new #isds claims related to #FossilFuels
4-A withdrawal from the #ECT is the only possible option to implement #ParisAgreement
Read 6 tweets
"Ravishing reviews" is what they say, right?

Unfortunately my reviewer @LentzGuy must have forgotten to link the article he was referring to, but I assume it's my most recent one, published today by @KluwerArb:…

But there are more out there 🧵 Image
@LentzGuy @KluwerArb Should the European Union Fix, Leave or Kill the @Energy_Charter Treaty? Published February 09, 2021…
@LentzGuy @KluwerArb @Energy_Charter Investment Governance in Africa to Support Climate Resilience and Decarbonization, co-written with @uwase_brenda, highlighting the dangers of ECT expansion. Published December 10, 2021…
Read 11 tweets
Hoy, 50 organizaciones de Europa publicamos un vídeo sobre la lucha contra un proyecto de gas fósil en Eslovenia. 😡 La empresa británica Ascent Resources amenaza con demandar a Eslovenia en virtud del Tratado de la Carta de la Energía. Terrible. #NoECT
En el noreste de Eslovenia, Ascent Resources quiere extraer gas. La comunidad local se opone al proyecto y, debido a sus posibles impactos sobre la salud y la naturaleza, la agencia medioambiental de Eslovenia ha exigido a la empresa una evaluación del impacto ambiental. #NoECT
La empresa Ascent Resources amenaza con demandar a Eslovenia ante un tribunal privado en virtud del Tratado de la Carta de la Energía, solicitando una indemnización de 120 millones de euros por el lucro cesante del proyecto (afirma haber gastado 50 millones de EUR). #NoECT
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Aus-UK FTA on investment - while the treaty maintains investment protections, private direct enforcement via investor-State arbitration is out.
An interesting add on secondary sanctions that can impact firms abroad.
The question to ask - will the UK entertain ISDS when it negotiates with a lower-income, capital-importing country. I think the next few on the docket are all with high-income countries. But note, Japan and the EU/MS still want some private direct enforcement in.
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When we think of #ISDS, there seems to be no shortage of heated disputes regarding the legitimacy of this dispute settlement mechanism as a cog in the investment treaty regime. In the US, US politicians like Elizabeth Warren have spoken out fervently against ISDS.
The Walloons launched an assault against CETA. And as @vonderburchard reported in 2016, this was largely due to ISDS.…
But what about the perspective of African nations towards the investment treaty regime and, in particular, ISDS? This is a complex question. As Ian Solomon notes, “any aggregate portrait of the continent obscures its heterogeneity”.…
Read 25 tweets
Today in investment law and policy, we’re talking about investment and national security (my favorite topic). The students read treaty text and Continental Casualty v Arg, and also watched a short recorded lecture by me. Other links below were not assigned to students. 1/
First, a little background from my recorded lecture. When folks say that today there is greater overlap between #NatSec & #ISDS, what do they mean? What kinds of measures are they talking about? How would they violate investment rules? 2/
Historically, the primary concern might have been economic sanctions. The US, in particular, has for years applied sanctions, asset freezes, and embargoes under the 1917 Trading with the Enemy Act and the 1977 Int’l Emergency Economic Powers Act (pictured). 3/
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Het zat er aan te komen. Fossiele multinational klaagt Nederland aan vanwege ons klimaatbeleid. Jarenlang profiteren van gebrek aan klimaatactie. Nu willen ze vangen omdat de kolencentrales dicht moeten. En dat buiten de nationale rechter om via een #ISDS-claim in achterkamers.
Wat is #ISDS?
* Het geeft bedrijven vergaande bescherming tegen 'nadelig' overheidsbeleid.
* Ze kunnen enorm hoge compensatie claimen buiten normale rechter om.
* 3 arbiters beslissen in een achterkamertje.
* Het is onderdeel van 1000en verdragen.
Kamerbrief over kolenclaim van RWE:
* RWE claimt 1,4 MILJARD euro!
* Poging tot schikking in dec mislukt.
* Kolenexit "niet in strijd met internationaal recht".
* RWE wilde geen compensatie obv kolenwet
* Claims uit EU-staten "in strijd met EU-recht"…
Read 5 tweets
An all time low for an Irish Government has been hit. By pure chance this afternoon I noticed what appeared to be a Government motion to ratify the deeply controversial EU Canada Trade Deal #CETA next Tuesday 15 Dec. Yes the one with the dreaded #ICS #ISDS clauses. Yes its true -
#CETA which so many #Greens had expressed opposition to... the one which leaves us massively exposed to claims from foreign investors .. the one we fear will create a regulatory chill making the Government even more reluctant to take effective #ClimateActions the one ..
Mairead McGuinness said could damage #Irishfarming and which we'd need to have a safeguard clause and consider a compo package for .. the day AFTER she voted for it in the EU Parliament…
.. a nice killer blow now on top of the #Brexit
Read 12 tweets
"Members of the [@CIJ_ICJ] have come to the decision, last month, that they will not normally accept to participate in international arbitration. In particular, they will not participate in investor-State arbitration" #ISDS
After this clear announcement by the President of the @CIJ_ICJ in 2018, odd to see members of the Court being again appointed as arbitrators in high-paying #ISDS cases. Not what one would normally expect of full-time elected judges of the principal judicial organ of the @UN.
As of January 2019, the annual salary of an elected member of the @CIJ_ICJ (base salary + post adjustment, excluding benefits) was US$239,135 = US$655.16 per day (A/74/354, p. 31)
Read 17 tweets
The #deficit #myth #deficitmyth by @StephanieKelton #MMT modern monetary theory
Myth N. 1: The #state should budget like a #household
#RealityCheck : unlike a household, a #SovereignNation, which owns its national #centralbank, issues the #currency it spends
Myth N. 2: #deficit is evidence of #overspending
#RealityCheck: look to #inflation for evidence of over spending
The purpose of #taxes is not to pay for #government expenditures but to help rebalancing the #wealth distribution #MMT
Read 56 tweets
In the midst of the #COVID19 crisis, lawyers urge corporations to defend their profits & challenge governments’ emergency measures in #ISDS corporate courts. Our new report with @corporateeurope reveals their shocking million $ litigation scenarios. Here are 6 of them👇🏻
🚰 Bolivia & El Salvador took steps to ensure poor and #COVID19 sick households have access to clean water for handwashing. But #ISDS lawyers argue that foreign utility investors could challenge such measures because they ‘eliminated their revenue streams’.

🏥 To treat #COVID19 patients for free, Spain & Ireland have temporarily gained public control of private hospitals. Under #ISDS investors could claim millions in damages for such actions - even if governments already paid cost-covering compensation to the private hospital owners
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🌍 #COVID19 & multinationales 🌏

De quoi les entreprises sont-elles responsables dans cette crise?

Chaînes de valeur, droit du travail, dividendes, commerce international, lobbying, réquisitions, ISDS, démantèlement de l'Etat...

Rapport 👉…

👇 Thread 👇

L'OIT estime que plus d'un milliard de personnes risquent de perdre leur emploi ou de subir des pertes sèches de salaire dans les prochains mois

Au Bangladesh, plus de 3 milliards de dollars de commandes ont été annulées dans l'industrie textile
Plus de deux millions de salarié.e.s sont concerné.e.s, avec des arriérés de salaire de l'ordre de 400 millions de dollars.

Amazon, de son côté, n'assure pas la protection sociale de ses salariés et sous-traitants, alors que sa capitalisation boursière vient d'exploser.
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Bruxelles promet un #GreenDeal

Pourtant, un des premiers textes soumis au vote est l'accord de commerce et d'investissement UE-#Vietnam, qui aggravera la crise climatique et donnera toujours plus de pouvoir aux entreprises multinationales (#ISDS).

@EP_Trade @Trade_EU @attac_fr
@EP_Trade @Trade_EU @attac_fr Les députés européens @EP_Trade ont donc voté en faveur des accords de commerce et d'investissement entre UE et #Vietnam : preuve s'il que le #GreenDeal n'est à ce stade qu'une promesse !

Approfondir la mondialisation n'est pas "vert" @vonderleyen @TheProgressives @RenewEurope Image
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Continuismo neoliberal de Pedro Sánchez al frente del Ministerio de Exteriores y "diplomacia económica": Arancha González Laya es adalid de las políticas injustas de la Organización Mundial de Comercio y la UE que han causado pobreza, desigualdades y la crisis ambiental global.
🔎 ¿Quién es Arancha González Laya, la nueva ministra de Asuntos Exteriores, Unión Europea y Cooperación? Ella empezó su carrera como jurista asesorando a empresas privadas sobre comercio, competitividad y ayuda pública en la firma Bruckhaus Westrick Stegemann, hoy Freshfields.
🔎¿Quién es la firma Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer? La multinacional del Derecho Mercantil Internacional -lex mercatoria- "ofrece a los clientes asesoramiento sobre políticas estratégicas y ayuda a configurar la legislación y las decisiones administrativas de la UE". #EULobbying
Read 15 tweets
"People are dying."

Elizabeth has witnessed the difference between the UK and US health systems. She knows the human cost of high prices. Don’t allow the US to sabotage access to meds on the #NHS.

There has been a lot of debate on the impact of a #tradedeal with #Trump on #NHS medicine prices. Here’s a thread detailing why people are right to be worried… 1/
Firstly, the US has history. #Bigpharma spends more influencing politicians in Washington than any other industry. So the US has repeatedly used #trade agreements to force changes on countries that will boost the industry’s profits. 2/
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😡 Un informe filtrado revela el mal funcionamiento del Tratado sobre la Carta de la Energía. Ese tratado opaco que casi nadie conoce y que puede costarnos a los contribuyentes en España más de 7.000 millones de EUR debe ser abolido. #StopISDS Abro hilo ⤵️…
El Tratado sobre la Carta de Energía (#ECT) permite a los inversores extranjeros demandar a los gobiernos a través del sistema de solución de controversias entre inversionistas y estados (#ISDS, por sus siglas en inglés) por cambios políticos. #StopISDS…
El Tratado sobre la Carta de la Energía es una mina de oro para las compañías de combustibles fósiles. Es la legislación más invocada en todo el mundo, utilizada por fondos de inversión y empresas energéticas para proteger sus beneficios. #StopISDS…
Read 13 tweets
It has been a big day for NAFTA 2.0, and not in good way.

Here's a thread on developments of the last 24 hours - including Pence's Canadian visit, Lighthizer's submission of NAFTA text to Congress, and Trump's impetuous launching of a trade offensive against Mexico...
Pence's Canada trip seemed like a desperate move to reignite momentum - given what Democrats are demanding (e.g. rolling back protections for Big Pharma), the Republicans don't want to give.
As I told @Naomi_Powell when we spoke early yesterday, “if you’re running a campaign with targets who won’t talk to you, what do you do? You go to Ottawa, fill the time.”
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1/6 Nobel laureate @JosephEStiglitz: Multinational companies will increasingly file massive cases against host countries when #ClimateChange policies affect their profits. #ISDS reform is needed to stop companies fighting climate rules. @SebastienMalo…
2/6 #ISDS cases can "instill fear of environmental regulations, #ClimateChange regulations because you know that it's going to be costly" for governments, @JosephEStiglitz said. "It's litigation terrorism." @IISD_ELP
3/6 @JosephEStiglitz: #UNCITRAL #ISDS reform process is a rare opportunity to end "pernicious litigation.” I’d add: the @Energy_Charter, which gives carbon-intensive energy investors access to #ISDS, must be aligned with the low-carbon transition. @ogeltdm…
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/1 Just finished a quick first read of the WTO panel decision today on Article XXI (Russia - Traffic in Transit, DS512). Thanks @rdmcdougall @howserob. Some very preliminary reactions for purposes of discussion. (Long thread).
/2 Section 7.5.2 is in some sense as important as the panel's judgment, as it sets out the positions of member states. We already had some sense of the members' positions, and some (US, EU, Australia included) had released their briefs. At least 2 interesting things there:
/3 First, Canada and the EU both accept justiciability of Art XXI, but are on opposite sides on whether the exception has "objective" elements. Notable given that #CETA essentially replicates the Article XXI formulation, as does 2004 Canadian model FIPA.
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¿Has oído hablar del Tribunal Multilateral de Inversiones? #MultInvCourt

Una especie de corte mundial para ampliar los privilegios de las corporaciones transnacionales. Se negocia en la Comisión de Naciones Unidas para el Derecho Mercantil (#UNCITRAL).

Abro hilo ⤵️ #StopISDS
1⃣ Los acuerdos de comercio e inversión representan una forma para que las empresas multinacionales y millonarios se enriquezcan a costa de la gente de a pie. Eso es lo que la UE ha hecho durante 50 años con el mecanismo de ‘solución de controversias inversor-Estado’, o #ISDS.
2⃣ El arbitraje de inversiones o mecanismo de ‘solución de controversias inversor-Estado’ es un privilegio especial del que han abusado muchas multinacionales. Es un aspecto desconocido de los tratados comerciales para gran parte de la sociedad. #StopISDS…
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#Venezuela's #NicolasMaduro:
"We had a large shipment of medicines to last the country for a year,a large batch of raw materials for food. The bank account was frozen,the contracts were cancelled & the money is seized. They suffocate us,steal our money & put a show for the world"
Nov. 2017:The transnational Pharmaceutical companies Baster,Abbot & Pfizer refused to issue exportation certificates to #Cancer drugs,making it impossible for #Venezuela to buy them
July 2017: The Citibank bank (#USA) refuses to receive #Venezuelan funds from the Central Bank for the import of 300 thousand doses of insulin, destined to cover the demand of 450 thousand registered patients.
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1. As governments scramble to sign the #TPP, here’s something you should know @JustinTrudeau @FP_Champagne @cafreeland
2. The #TPP will allow corporations to sue government in secret tribunals where corporate lawyers would act as judges in some cases and represent corporations and/or governments in another
3. Under #ISDS, countries have been sued over plain packaging laws, for protecting environment, for increasing minimum wage, for demanding tax returns and for introducing affirmative action policies
Read 10 tweets

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