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A thread 🧵

1) Introducing Proof of Intelligence - a groundbreaking consensus mechanism used in the #Bittensor network that rewards valuable nodes contributing high-quality #MachineLearning models. It's designed to incentivize efficiency and collaboration within the network. #AI Image
2) Unlike traditional consensus mechanisms like #PoW & #PoS, #ProofOfIntelligence relies on nodes performing #MachineLearning tasks instead of solving complex math problems. This ensures more valuable participants are rewarded for their intelligence with $TAO tokens.
3) @bittensor_ network measures contributions by calculating individual scores, which are then used to assess the value & achievements of each participant. The goal? Encourage cooperation and discourage malicious activities.
$TAO #AI #blockchain
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/1 In his Alberta Doctors’ Digest column, ‘In a different vein,’ Dr. Alexander H.G. Paterson describes his experience with artificial intelligence/machine learning, specifically #ChatGPT.
/2 “On behalf of readers of Alberta Doctors Digest (and as a computer-averse holdout), I sat for three hours each day over three days examining this phenomenon.
/3 "Although I have not yet invested $20/month to access ChatGPT-4, the “updated” free version of the ChatGPT is accessible to plebs like you or I. But it’s enough to get the drift. It’s an interesting advance on Googling for information.
Read 4 tweets
AI is not slowing down. Here are massive updates in AI today:

-How AI is changing the elections
-Vimeo debuts AI script writer
-Elevenlabs raises $19mil Series A
-Biden seeks safeguards with AI experts
-Social logistics robot in Paris hospitals
-AI descends on Cannes Lions 2023
1/ With presidential campaigns of Donald Trump and Ron DeSantis already released prominent AI-generated videos, there are concerns regarding the dissemination of misinformation and the potential impact on voter behavior with the rapid expansion of AI.…
2/ Vimeo has integrated the ChatGPT API into its video suite, enabling users to generate customizable scripts. Its automated editing feature eliminate awkward pauses and seamlessly stitch together clips based on video transcripts.…

#vimeo #ChatGPT
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开源技术进展到现在,看起来已经可以自己训练出对标 #ChatGPT 3.5可商用的模型了。


🦙 OpenLLama:可商用的LLama代替品
⚙️ QLoRA:底成本、快速的训练方法
🐳 Orca:递进式学习算法

Openllama 可商用的LLama代替品

QLoRA 底成本、快速的训练方法

Read 4 tweets
🌍Charles Darwin, born in 1809, was an English naturalist who revolutionized our understanding of life on Earth. #Evolution 🐢🔬

[This is AI-generated content with images from #midjourney, script by #ChatGPT, voiceovers by #11labs]
2/ 🚢⛵️ Darwin's epic five-year voyage on the HMS Beagle was a turning point in his life. It exposed him to diverse ecosystems and species. These observations formed the basis of his groundbreaking ideas on adaptation and species variation. #BeagleVoyage 🌴🐧

👉Prompts in the…… << detailed wide-angle, full...
3/ 📚🌿 Darwin's meticulous research and extensive collection of specimens allowed him to piece together the puzzle of evolution. His book "On the Origin of Species," published in 1859, presented compelling evidence and outlined the concept of natural selection as the driving…… << detailed environmental ph...
Read 6 tweets


现在币圈和 #AI 结合的大进展终于来了!#ChatGpt 能与 #DefiLlama 连接,所有相关数据,可以用中文直接查询并让AI帮你总结!🚀




→点击左下角头像旁的三个点→ Settings

→选择Beta features→勾选Plugins

→回到GPT-4页面→Plugins→Plugin store中下载DefiLlama后即可开始使用

(1/6) ImageImageImageImage

1/ 获取协议的详细信息并直接总结



(2/6) ImageImage
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【不用会后悔!超级好用的7个ChatGPT的Chorme插件】#AI #ChatGPT





🧵 Image

ChatGPT for Google:

通过此扩展功能,可以在谷歌搜索中快速整理多个网页的集成信息并回复你,提高搜索效率。 Image

Web ChatGPT:

解决ChatGPT只能使用2021年以前的数据的问题,让ChatGPT能够提供2021年后的信息,改善搜索能力。 Image
Read 8 tweets
Ahoy #oceaners 👋

I thought to make all of your weekend more fun and exciting , so, The 2nd part of the @oceanprotocol megathread is here !

Grab an espresso or cappuccino or whatever drink you prefer and enjoy the beauty of what $ocean has created .

#web3 #AI #DataScience Image
In the previous megathread , I explained why we need to actually share data as it will bring a lot of value to humanity and lead to an acceleration in advancement of #AI . I also explained the glorious $ocean data market and how beautifully the way it functions .
I solely don't believe in this, even the World economic forum praised the work of @oceanprotocol by awarding them with the World economic forum Technology pioneer award and we also have big organisations like German central bank, @Unilever , Daimler-Mercedes Benz Singapore ...
Read 23 tweets
Quelques infos sur le faux « match » du bac philo contre #ChatGPT. Je dis « faux match » parce que Chat GPT n’est pas un prof de philo. Si 2 humains issus de 2 écoles de pensée s’étaient affrontés, il y aurait eu match. Là, il y avait victoire avant match.👇🏿
Revenons sur les circonstances. Le « défi » (qui n’en était pas un) a été lancé par la @Psbeduparis. 🙏 Nous étions dans 2 salles différentes. Ma copie a été rédigée à la main. Puis recopiée par une écriture anonyme, la même que pour mon « adversaire », Chat GPT 4.
Les conditions d’un anonymat véritable étaient-elles réunies ? Bien sûr que non. Il est aisé de faire la différence, dès les 1ers mots, entre les deux copies. La note que j’ai obtenue était-elle méritée ? Non plus. On ne met jamais 20 à une dissertation - à mon avis.
Read 26 tweets

This is part 1 of the 4 series @oceanprotocol mega threads where I will explain everything about $ocean in a simple manner!

In this thread ,I explained-
1) The data problem and why data sharing matters.
2) $Ocean data Marketplace

Enjoy 🌊

#AI #web3
Data is the world's most valuable resource and with the arrival of #ChatGPT , it has shown that our future depends on tech like AI, which can only function when large amounts of data are available . Society as a whole, is transitioning into a digital age from an industrial age .
And data has become a vital element in the daily life of consumers , governments and businesses. The magnitude of its involvement is so big that nearly half of the value on earth is IP and big data (nearly 100 trillion$) which is balanced on the other side by land, stocks etc.
Read 29 tweets
We’ve got huge plans at @streamlit for LLMs and #GenAI! 🎈🙌

✔️A new customizable chat UI
✔️@LangChainAI integration
✔️Easy connection to the LLM ecosystem
and more!

Our founders @myelbows & @cutlasskelly give you a glimpse into our future! ⬇


We now have over 5K #LLM-powered @streamlit apps created by our fantastic community! ✨

Powered by @OpenAI, @LangChainAI, @llama_index, @huggingface, #StableDiffusion, @pinecone & more! 🙌

To celebrate, we've published our new #GenerativeAI hub!

🔗 Image
So why are LLMs like #ChatGPT so great at writing @streamlit apps?

Because of all the Streamlit code our community has shared!

190K+ snippets of Streamlit code on @github alone, helping train #GPT4 and the likes!

No more coding skills needed to hop on that Streamlit boat! 🤗
Read 4 tweets
#IA Ironique, le #Parlement EU interdit la reconnaissance biométrique #faciale dans les lieux publics.
Mais le Sénat français, lui l'a voté quelques jours avant.… suite⏬
Ils ont interdit les systèmes de reconnaissance faciale biométriques dans l'espace public. Mais autorisés dans le cas de crimes graves sur autorisation judiciaire a posteriori. Pareil pour la reconnaissance d'#émotions, mais "dans certains services".…
Le texte voté par les députés UE met en risque élevé les IA qui font une "atteinte à la santé ou aux droits fondamentaux", les IA pour #influencer les #électeurs/ résultats des élections. Vous allez interdire Instagram, Facebook,Twitter? Parce qu'ils le font depuis des années.⏬
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Cómo emplear la #IA, en este caso #Midjourney y #ChatGPT, para idear A/B testing y experimentos en una página de producto de un #ecommerce.

He elegido un caso de uso tipo: un e-commerce de guitarras eléctricas.

Y esto he parido, ¿cómo? Ala, hilo 👇 Image
Aquí tenéis este ejemplo en el que he trabajado últimamente, que creo es una buena muestra de como podemos utilizar el combo Midjourney (o cualquier otra IA generativa visual) + ChatGPT para idear posibles layouts / experiencia que podrían ser objeto de experimentación / testing.
En primer lugar, defino una PDP (Product Detail Page - Página de producto) sobre la que voy a trabajar.

En este caso, una hipotética guitarra eléctrica dentro de un e-commerce global de instrumentos, donde por la naturaleza de producto y target quiero un tratamiento diferencial.
Read 15 tweets

新发现的一个项目,官推连 1,000 个粉丝都没有,但是两轮种子轮融了 1,900 万美元。


Not financial advice, #DYOR
#ALPHA #crypto
1/3 这个项目的目标受众是为持有 #btc 的美国公民提供以比特币计价的人寿保险,目前已经获得了百慕大金融管理局的许可,完全合规 & 受监管。

项目已经开放了 waitlist,但必须是美国公民。官网提供了一个例子,一位正常健康状态的 35 岁男性,保费在 10 个 #btc 左右,最高理赔金额是 25 个 btc 。

第一轮由 OpenAI #chatgpt 的创始人 Sam Altman 领投。

第二轮由谷歌 Gradient Ventures 领头,the block 的创始人 @mdudas 的 VC 公司 6mv @6thManVentures 也跟投了,项目创始人 Zac @ztownsend 是 YC 和麦肯锡背景。
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Live from #GartnerDW | Automated Authoring From Templates to #ChatGPT with Marko Sillanpaa, Gartner Sr Director Analyst: Image
About this session: Automated authoring can increase productivity, grow sentiment, reduce costs and decrease risk. Marko looks at tech that helps automate the authoring process. Learn more: #GartnerDW #DigitalWorkplace #AI
#GenerativeAI has been a hot topic since the beginning of the year. We’ve heard how AI has passed AP exams, college entrance exams and more, but what are the implications for content creation? #GartnerDW #ChatGPT #AI Image
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Morgen Mittag ist es soweit 🔥🔥🔥: Das @Europarl_DE wird über den #AIAct, das #KI-Gesetz, abstimmen.
Die Konservativen - also inkl. @CDU - stellen sich gegen Bürgerrechte und wollen das Verbot für biometrische Massenüberwachung (Gesichtserkennung etc) kippen!
Die #KI-Verordnung soll das weltweit erste Gesetz werden, das künstliche Intelligenz umfassend reguliert. #AIAct
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Who was Archimedes? A brilliant Greek mathematician and scientist. Born in Syracuse, Sicily in c. 287 BCE, he changed the game in math, physics and engineering. Let's explore his fascinating life.

[AI-generated content: #midjourney images, #ChatGPT script, #11labs voiceovers]
2/ 💡 Archimedes' Principle 💦 Ever wonder why things float or sink in water? Archimedes nailed it. According to his principle, the buoyant force on an object is equal to the weight of the fluid it displaces. 🚢

👉Prompt in the ALT👈
#midjourney #AIart #history A detailed environmental ph...A detailed environmental ph...A detailed environmental co...
3/ 📐 Geometry Guru Archimedes was a geometry whiz too! He discovered theorems and found ways to measure irregular-shaped objects. His "method of exhaustion" paved the way for integral calculus. Geometry game-changer! Collage made with Adobe Exp...A detailed environmental ph...A detailed environmental co...
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#AI#ChatGPT 的加入可以让你的投研效率提升100倍!以前几个小时的工作现在5分钟就可以优雅完成。


通过实操,用8个问题手把手教你用ChatGPT轻松投研👇 Image
1/6 开始写这篇线程的时候,我想是需要一个框架/思维导图来让这个教学更清晰。所以我尝试让ChatGPT帮我梳理思路,构建框架。

所以这篇线程的作者除了我,还有ChatGPT。 ImageImage
2/6 开始之前,需要做一些准备:

2.使用接入ChatGPT的软件——我这里使用的是Sider AI

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Encore un truc où la vision prospective (oui c'est pas un prophète hein) de Harari semble être intéressante, mais où les comploplop pigent rien et donc disent n'importe quoi. ImageImageImage
Et comme d'hab qui n'a pas lu et n'a pas pigé 🤦 Image
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@jbonhotal @threadreaderapp I took this thread a step further.

I used #Chatgpt to help me leverage these insides with my job by using this prompt below:
@jbonhotal @threadreaderapp Here are 21 insights from Thinking Fast and Slow.

Suggest ways I can use these insights to become more productive and improve my performance as {insert profession/job}. Please provide examples for each.

{paste insights from unrolled thread}
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🧵 Exciting advances are being made in the field of large language models (LLMs)! Let's dive into some recent ones: Falcon-40B, LLaMA, Vicuna, and Alpaca
#AI #ChatGPT Image
Falcon-40B is an open-source LLM with an impressive 40 billion parameters, trained on a vast corpus of 1,000 billion tokens. It outperforms its predecessors in speed and smoothness of operation. Falcon-40B is also commercially available under Apache license.
Meta's LLaMA is a foundational LLM with versions spanning from 7B to 65B parameters. It's designed for researchers lacking the infrastructure for larger models, democratizing access in the field. The model is trained on 1.4 trillion tokens and can be fine-tuned for various tasks.
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Lorsque, dans quelques années, l'on découvrira que les principaux enjeux écologiques auront trouvé des solutions grâce à la science et la technologie, lorsqu'on aura vidé les facs de lettres, de sociologie et de psychologie on remplira celles de sciences et les IUT de technologie
On pourra regretter que certains politiciens, vertueux dans l'aversion pour le capitalisme, n'aient pas assez fait pression sur #Total, par exemple, pour investir massivement ses profits dans l'exploitation de l'hydrogène naturel et régler rapidement nos émissions de carbone.
On pourra regretter également que tous ces politiciens braillards, bien plus pourvoyeurs de postillons que de solutions, aient laissé passer la révolution @ChatGPT qui, sans contrôle, aura plus servi les puissants que de donner accès à tous une information fiable et documentée.
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1/10 🧵💡 Why is the US cracking down on #cryptocurrencies, causing significant market volatility. Is the global leader overlooking a trend, or is there a deeper reasoning? 🤔🌐💱 Let's take a look: Image
2/10 The reasons behind this crackdown are multifaceted 🧩 Critics suggest the U.S.'s primary concern isn't protecting the average investor, contrary to the claims of the @SECGov. #CryptoMarkets #InvestorProtection
3/10 The blooming crypto market, exceeding $2tn in 2021, is pulling capital away from traditional financial systems 🏦 The U.S., among other regulators worldwide, is amplifying its scrutiny of the industry. #Finance #MoneyTalks Image
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1/7 🧵🤖 Recently, OpenAI CEO Sam Altman's remarks about India's ability to create something like ChatGPT have sparked a lot of discussion. Here's a breakdown of the situation. #AI #OpenAI #ChatGPT #TechNews
2/7 🌍 During his visit to India, Altman was asked about the potential for India to build foundational AI models like ChatGPT. His response, that it would be 'pretty hopeless', has drawn criticism. #AI #India #TechControversy
3/7 💬🔥 The reaction on social media was swift and varied. Some users called Altman's statement arrogant, while others saw it as a challenge to prove him wrong. #SocialMedia #TechDebate
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