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#RA2022 📢 Le rapport d'activité 2022 de la CNIL est présenté ce matin à la presse ! 👉…
🗣️M-L Denis « Les 4 principales missions de la CNIL :
1⃣ Informer et protéger
2⃣ Accompagner et conseiller
3⃣ Anticiper et innover
4⃣ Contrôler et sanctionner Image
"Se rapprocher de nos publics et les sensibiliser avec :
➡️ Des journées RGPD en région
➡️ Une présence en radio
➡️ Une campagne d'info et de sensibilisation pour les 8-10ans
➡️ Une nouvelle offre d'accompagnement renforcé lancée en 2023"
Renforcer notre politique d'accompagnement des professionnels avec :
➡️ 12 guides et référentiels
➡️ 3 recommandations adoptées ou MAJ
➡️ 10 projets accompagnés via le "bac à sable" EdTech
➡️ 6 consultations publiques
➡️ 27 000 nouveauc comptes sur le nouveau MOOC
Read 16 tweets
I don't know what it is about Indians and their complete aloofness to #Privacy & #DataSecurity. 5 years back I used to get 1 spam call a day. Today I get 15-20. I have been asked to download @truecaller by 1 in 2 people that I know and could not stop laughing. Most folks (1/n)
(2/n) don't even know how #cookies & #consentmanagement works. Let's clarify a few things about Truecaller.
1) It's a firm registered in #Stockholm started by Nami Zarringhalam and Alan Mamedi. Mamedi is a Kurdish born in a refugee camp in northern Sweden, while Zarringhalam..
(3/n) is of Iranian descent. The apps biggest market in India because they how callous we are with our #PersonalIdentifiableData. Now let's understand how this app works. Even if you DO NOT consent to open up your address book, it can collect your entire personal data from a.....
Read 8 tweets
La semana pasada se publicó un informe del Consejo Europeo de Protección de Datos para revisar algunas aplicaciones en los banner de #cookies que estaban generando dudas. He leído a algún abogado sobre esto y, o no lo ha leído o no sabe apenas inglés. Resumen de lo gordo #RGPD 👇
1/6 En un mecanismo de consentimiento para cookies, debe haber un botón de "rechazo" en la primera capa, pero algunos sitios web no lo incluyen.
Aunque la Directiva sobre privacidad y comunicaciones electrónicas no hace referencia directa a un botón de "rechazar", es importante ofrecer una opción activa.
❌ Decisión dividida en el informe, no está claro.
Read 14 tweets
Cookies, crime & lasting legacies: This inconspicuous biscuit box holds a story of Shanghai’s largest finance scandal but also enduring memories of one of its oldest consumer brands. The category-defining success story of a Western businessman in China you've never heard of: 🧵⬇
The crumb trail of Bakerite leads us back to the American J.D. Sullivan, who after serving in the Spanish War, came to China at the turn of the century & established the Denniston & Sullivan photo supplies store on Broadway (Daming Rd.) in the Shanghai International Settlement.
In June 1906 Sullivan sold the business to former employees Messrs. L.L. Hopkins and J.J. Gilmore who continued to operate it but moved the location to Nanking Rd. (todays Nanjing East Rd.). James Sullivan left China to get married in the USA in December 1906. After his return...
Read 37 tweets
Another new idea for #PenetrationTesting and #Bug-hunting:

Enhance the force of #vulnerabilities by doing things like
I discovered a free #URL that leads somewhere else.
Put this in my report and move on ?
To the contrary, changing the #payload allowed me to transform it into a reflected #XSS #vulnerability. Is this the final question?
Obviously not if I have any hope of carrying on.
This web app used #JWT tokens that were transmitted in the bearer header, and for some reason, there were three more cookies that also contained this token.
Only two of them were secure with #HTTP Only.
Just a wild guess.
Read 5 tweets
1️⃣7️⃣ Pasos para montar tu propia #web

Crea una web para tu #negocio, para un #evento o lo que prefieras con estos pasos.

💜 RT para guardar este hilo
💜 Like en agradecimiento

Dentro hilo 17 pasos para tener tu web

🔵 Paso 1

Necesitaremos un hosting y qué mejor que emplear el de @RaiolaNetworks además que con nosotros en @nomadasme tienes un 20% de descuento.

Siguiente paso 👇
@RaiolaNetworks 🔵 Paso 2

Ahora que tenemos hosting, necesitamos un dominio, aquí tienes 2 opciones:

- Cogerlo en @RaiolaNetworks ya
- Cogerlo con @DonDominio 

Centrate en el #branding de tu marca a la hora de elegir

Siguiente paso 👇
Read 18 tweets
Der #Newsletter 3/2022 der #Datenschutzbehörde #Österreich ist veröffentlicht worden!

U.a. sind folgende Themen Inhalt des Newsletters:…
"#FAQ zum Thema #Datenschutz und #Cookies"
"Google Analytics II"
Read 5 tweets
#PrivacyResearchDay C'est parti ! La CNIL accueille aujourd'hui des chercheurs internationaux pour présenter leurs travaux sur la #vieprivée et la protection des #données.
Suivez l'événement en direct en 🇬🇧 ou en 🇫🇷👉…
Suivez le thread ⬇️
La présidente de la CNIL Marie-Laure Denis accueille la communauté internationale au 1er #PrivacyResearchDay ! Des chercheurs qui travaillent et enseignent en Allemagne, Belgique, Espagne, Singapour, Suisse, Royaume-Uni, Luxembourg et France.
La CNIL utilise la #recherche de multiples façons :
👉 Lors de la rédaction de recommandations et de lignes directrices.
👉 Dans l'un des cas sur les #cookies, la CNIL s'est référée aux résultats de deux documents de recherche.
Read 69 tweets
Did anyone just post a post - linking
#cookies and 🍪
#science? 👩‍🔬🧑‍🔬👨‍🔬
What a head start for a thread on the #psychology of the cookie monster and why utilitarianism is
2 things
at the same time! 🤯
awww - how I would LOVE to write about the 2 faces of #utilitarianism in the light of our digital future and how the #CookieMonster embodies
1) the worst dystopia and
2) the best utopia same time.
Problem is:
I am trapped in the space-time continuum. Just like ...
The cookie monster.
And my twitter life has too many cookies on the tray.
And there are just 44 minutes left before I will start my shopping trip with K1.
Oh - 43.
Read 23 tweets
1/ Attention fellow sugar addicts:

Today is the soft-open of my new business, Marcenet Mercantile, named after my grandmothers, Marcella and Neta.

(BONUS: Discount code 15PERCENTOFF)

Shown here: home made marshmallows enrobed in Belgian Chocolate.

👉… Image
2/ I won't be posting every day about chocolates or caramel or cookies, but about once a week, I will add things to my store and will post about them. Pictured here: home made caramels in the best Belgian dark chocolate on the market.

➡️… Image
3/ If someone told me I'd become a chocolatier in my 50's, I would have said...yeah, that sounds about right. 🤣 When one door shuts, a window opens, which is great unless you get too fat from eating the "mistakes" to fit through a window. ➡️… ImageImageImageImage
Read 32 tweets
"#Data: a new direction" - a public consultation by @DCMS on "reforms to the UK’s #DataProtection regime":…

The consultation ends on 19 Nov 2021, and you can respond by e-mail to or online here:… Image
A quick sample of initial reactions...

We're clearly going to be hearing a lot about #LegitimateInterests, as well as #commercial and #public ones. The real question being, how do this Government's interests actually align with YOURS?

140+ pages on a Friday is a lot to digest, but @lilianedwards' "penumbra of often futile determinedly populist ideas largely not evidence-based" seems entirely consistent with @DCMS's Drunkard's Walk through #data and #ID this past year...

Read 28 tweets
🔴 Responsabilité numérique : l'exemple des #musées 🏛️

Je publie aujourd'hui une étude pour analyser l'état du web muséal français autour des enjeux d'#opendata, de #privacy, d'#a11y et d'#ecoconception.

Thread à dérouler ⬇️ 1/33
tl;dr : déroulez le thread ;

📰 Sinon, l'étude est accessible ici :
📊 Les données sont ici :… (eh oui, #opendata oblige)

Tout est sous licence @creativecommons, n'hésitez pas à la réutiliser. 2/X
❔ Partie 1 - Méthode - Quel périmètre d'analyse ?

Je me suis intéressé aux 100 #musées les plus fréquentés en France, en 2018. En repartant des données en #opendata du @MinistereCC.

Si on soustrait quelques doublons de sites, on obtient 89 sites web étudiés.

Read 33 tweets
Como veo que algun@s tenéis dudas con vuestras #webs y las cookies/privacidad, algunos consejos.
Si cualquier cosa de vuestra web genera #cookies, debes de tener un aviso en la web y una política de #cookies, informando de para que, como, y que pueden hacer si no quieren tenerlas
Si guardáis datos, siempre que no sean #sensibles, lo que debéis de hacer es registraros como responsables de los datos,… pues si hay un problema tenéis la obligación de responder por ello.
La #AEPD tiene buenas guías sobre cómo proteger los datos.… e incluso herramientas para ello,… para ayudar a saber los derechos y deberes que conlleva.
Read 6 tweets
The State assigns three non-negotiable rights to itself:
1. Monopoly over Violence
2. Monopoly over Stealing and Extortion
3. Monopoly over Propaganda

And it hates competition.

Everything else is rubbish - including what school Civics school books say
Big Tech, especially Google & Facebook, are now equal partners in this game on the psychological/behavioral shaping front. If only you knew how the lawlessness that these companies seek and operate in, has a natural elective affinity with the State's aims. A thread on this soon.
Till I get some quality time to build that thread, go through this one. It will open your eyes on how you have no free will, just an illusion of it. You are being conditioned and trained, used as object whose behavioral futures are being extracted and sold
Read 25 tweets
🥴 Sabemos que la gestión de las #cookies es una de las tareas más engorrosas para los consultores de la #ProtecciónDeDatos. Por eso, nuestro software incorpora herramientas que automatizan el cumplimiento #RGPD · #LOPDGDD · #LSSI. 😉👌
🍪 PD Cookie Capture
🍪 PD Cookie Consent
🍪 PD Cookie Capture 👉 es una extensión que rastrea todas las cookies de la página web de tu cliente y las sincroniza con su propia política de cookies. 🔁
🍪 PD Cookie Consent 👉 es un CMP conforme la Guía de cookies de la @AEPD_es que mostrará el banner de consentimiento cookies en la web de tus clientes. ☑️
Read 3 tweets
@MSN zeigt auch wieder einmal, wie das mit #cookies NICHT gemacht sein soll (und btw. meiner meinung nach gem. #dsgvo auch nicht gemacht werden darf).

kurzer thread:
per default werden nur cookies auf der eigenen website gesetzt. Image
startseite kann zwar gelesen werden, aber es gibt keine möglichkeit, etwas auszuwählen, bevor man nicht eine auswahl bez. cookies trifft.
als button nur ein „akzeptieren“, alternativen für d. individuelle auswahl sind über den unscheinbareren link platziert. nicht schön, aber ok
die detailansicht ist in zwei bereiche unterteilt.
im ersten sind alle per default deaktiviert.
wie es auch sein sollte. Image
Read 5 tweets
#Cookies #குக்கீஸ்
இது தான் நண்பர் கேட்ட கேள்விக்கு பதில்.!😊
சரி,Cookies அப்படின்னா என்ன.!
இந்த First Party, Third Party Cookies லாம் யாரு🤔
வாங்க ஜாலியா பயணிப்போம்.!🧞
#Thread #இழை

நீங்க ஒரு வேலைக்காக Online ல Apply பண்ணனும். ஆதனால..
இப்போ நீங்க ஒரு Job Website க்கு போய் ஒரு Online Application, Fill up பண்றீங்க.
First Page la உங்கள் பற்றிய தகவல்களை Fill up பண்றீங்க,
அடுத்தது Second Page ல, படிப்பு, Past Experience ன்னு நீளமா போகுது,
அடுத்து Third Page la மிச்ச சொச்ச தகவல்களையும் Fill up பண்ணியாச்சு..!
கடைசியாக Fourth Pageல சில Documents Upload பண்ணா முடிஞ்ச்சு.
இப்போ திடீர்ன்னு Power Cut ஆனா வரும் பாருங்க ஒரு Tension.😠

இப்போ Power வந்த உடனே மறுபடியும் அந்த Website குள்ள போறீங்க, Fill up பண்ணதெல்லாம் அங்கேயே இருக்குமா.! 🤔
அந்த Websites ல Cookies Enabled ஆகவும்,
Read 25 tweets
Nel frattempo, qualcosa si è mosso.
La segreteria di ha appena risposto alla mia segnalazione.
Vediamo quanto impiegano a sistemare **almeno** la questione delle policy #Privacy e #Cookies [#GDPR]
Per nota: @ebobferraris
Read 11 tweets
Now that Adobe is creating clusters of app chunked from Desktop Softwares, it's even more important to distinguish between, Instrument, Apparatus, Tool, Equipment, Device and Appliance from Product Management's view point. #app #Software #productmanagement #UX #productdesign Image
#Semantics are very important for #Discoverability by the user in the marketplace and Market Positioning of Software Products by the company. It have a great role in defining the Product Vision. It's the right words that shapes the right reasoning, that streamline
the perspective, that streamline the #strategy and so on. #Software #industries have borrowed a lot of terminologies from traditional #domains. Semantics also attract or distract a lot of regulatory bodies like the word "cookies". Who cares about #cookies unless you
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