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‼️Seit vergangenem Juni sind 940 Geflüchtete auf der griechischen Insel #Lesvos verschwunden, sagt die Hilfsorganisation Ärzte ohne Grenzen.
Das Team fährt zur Küste, nachdem sie von Hilfsgruppen über ankommende Boote alarmiert wurden. Dabei finden sie statt Menschen... 1/5
...oft nur mehr spuren. Die Männer, Frauen und Kinder wurden von maskierten Männern entführt + auf das offene Meer hinaus getrieben. Nicht selten geben sich die Täter laut Betroffener auch als Ärzte aus, um das Vertrauen der Menschen zu gewinnen, die sich nach der Ankunft... 2/5 den Büschen und Feldern verstecken. "Wenn sich diese Aussagen bestätigen, ist das eine inakzeptable und schwerwiegende Manipulation humanitärer Hilfe", sagt Nihal Osman, Projektkoordinatorin der Hilfsorganisation auf Lesbos. In einigen Fällen... 3/5
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1/. #BREAKING: “Greece Says It Doesn’t Ditch Migrants at Sea. It Was Caught in the Act”

@nytimes video evidence shows asylum seekers, including children, being rounded up after arriving on #Lesvos, taken to sea + abandoned on a dinghy by Greek coast guard…
2/. This does not come as a surprise

In 2021, @amnesty documented how the Greek authorities are conducting illegal pushbacks at land & sea

These are not random instances

"Violent pushbacks have become the de facto Greek border policy" Amnesty concludes
3/. In 2020, footage captured Greek coastguards endangering the lives of refugees attempting to cross the Aegean. They were pushing them back to Turkey

European govts are often complicit in so-called "pushbacks" on or around the EU land & sea borders
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#refugeesgr #lesvos #antifa #antireport #antinazigr
Δικάζονται αύριο 11.5.2023, πέντε χρόνια μετά την τέλεση των αδικημάτων, οι κατηγορούμενοι για το ρατσιστικό πογκρόμ της Πλατείας Σαπφούς. Δύο δίκες, χωριστά τα πλημμελήματα από τα κακουργήματα.
#refugeesgr #lesvos #antifa #antireport #antinazigr
Δίκη κακουργημάτων (πρωτοεισαγόμενη), Νο2 στο πινάκιο. Image
Στη λίστα ο γνωστός έμπορος οπτικών
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Μπίζνες εκκλησίας ΑΕ
Το σύνολο του ΔΣ των Φιλανθρωπικών Καταστημάτων Μυτιλήνης μεταξύ των οποίων και ο ίδιος ο Μητροπολίτης Μυτιλήνης και 15 επαγγελματίες στο χώρο του μαρμάρου δικάζονται από το πρωί σήμερα Τρίτη 9/5, από το Τριμελές Εφετείο Πλημμελημάτων βορ. Αιγαίου.
Κατηγορούνται για παράβαση του Νόμου περί ελεύθερου ανταγωνισμού. Η δίκη διεκόπη λόγω παρελεύσεως ωραρίου στις 5 το απόγευμα, και προσδιορίστηκε να συνεχιστεί την Πέμπτη 15 Ιουνίου.
Οι παραπάνω, 22 συνολικά άτομα, κατηγορούνται γιατί κατά συναυτουργία επέβαλαν καθεστώς που είναι αντίθετο στον ελεύθερο ανταγωνισμό στην κατασκευή μαρμάρινων τάφων στα δυο νεκροταφεία της Μυτιλήνης που λειτουργούν τα Φιλανθρωπικά καταστήματα Μυτιλήνης
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#lesvos #antifa #antinazigr
Δίκη πογκρομ πλ. Σαπφούς:
Είναι προφανής ο ρόλος που ανέλαβε η εισαγγελία εφετών βόρειου Αιγαίου να "καθαρίσει" την υπόθεση με άνωθεν εντολές των πολιτικών βαρώνων του νησιού, χωρίς να λείπουν και προσωπικά ρατσιστικά κίνητρα...
#lesvos #antifa #antinazigr
Εργα & ημέρες εισαγγελέως εφετών βόρ. Αιγαίου (Ι) Image
#lesvos #antifa #antinazigr
Εργα & ημέρες εισαγγελέως εφετών βόρ. Αιγαίου (ΙΙ)…… ImageImage
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On August 13th 2022 the HUMAN RIGHTS LEGAL PROJECT are celebrating one year after our first successful intervention to stop #Pushbacks in #Samos.
This is a small thread of how a small number of people can stop the illegalities of the government:
In April 2020 the Greek Government began its systematic and brutal pushbacks against refugees.
For a year, due to the pandemic restrictions, their actions went almost unnoticed.
@ABoatReport was trying to reveal what was happening but no one on the ground could do anything.
We were witnessing his posts feeling incapable of intervening: to protect both #AsylumSeekers and the #RuleOfLaw and #HumanRights.
On the 21st April 2021 another pushback took place in Marathokampos, Sámos. 4 days later one Palestinian woman with her three kids came to our
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Am 27.11. eröffnen 2 weitere Hochsicherheitslager auf den Inseln #Leros und #Kos, 100% von der #EU-Kommission finanziert & vom griechischen Migrationsministerium umgesetzt. Am Montag kündigte Generalsekretär für Einwanderungspolitik, Patroklos Georgiadis, in Rundschreiben an...
...dass alle Geflüchteten, die von nun an über den Landweg nach #Griechenland einreisen (63% im letzten Jahr), nicht mehr in Athen oder Thessaloniki einen Asylantrag stellen können, sondern auf die Ägäischen Inseln übersetzt werden sollen, in eines der Hochsicherheitslager, (...) dort einen Asylantrag stellen zu können. Wird dies umgesetzt, bedeutet das, dass die Ägäischen Inseln nun auch für Menschen, die zuvor auf dem Festland waren, zu isolierten Pufferzonen vor dem Europäischen Festland werden, in denen sie auf unbestimmte Zeit festsitzen.
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Es ist unglaublich wie sehr sich die Situation verschlechtert hat, für people on the move, Einwohnenden und Volunteers. Ein Bericht von Bewohner:innen #Lesvos über die Terrorherrschaft der Regierung #Mitsotakis ⬇️
Eine quick & dirty Übersetzung. Original:…
1 Bewohner von Mytilini: "Die Rückführung wurde von Sicherheitskräften vorgenommen - Wir haben Angst, den Flüchtlingen Decken zu geben"
2 Wir haben viele Flüchtlinge gerettet.
Heute trauen wir uns nicht einmal, eine Decke zu geben, sie werden uns für Menschenhändler und Spione halten.
Read 39 tweets
While the rest of the island population is closing their shutters during the strong summer heat, tourists arrive on the island and the beaches become more crowded, the ~ 5.000 camp residents of #Moria2 are not allowed to walk outside the camp this Sunday. /1
While many have left the premises to the mainland over the last weeks, the asylum seekers from e.g. #Syria, #Afghanistan & #Somalia in camp there is a strong insecurity of what will happen next, as many face new asylum interviews solely asking about the conditions in #Turkey. /2
Background: On the 7 June, the Greek State designated #Turkey as a “safe 3rd country” for women, man & children of 5 nationalities seeking international protection in #Greece. This decision reinforces the how #EU shift responsibility to protect #refugees to third countries. /3
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“People are in a state of survival inside #Moria2,” says doctor* on #Lesvos, “once they are actually arriving in a safe space, we see them collapse. This on-going humiliation in semi-closed, overheated, undignified living spaces with no escape are breaking people’s mind.” /1
“Some might thing, once with a positive asylum decision, camp residents just want to leave #Moria2 to find a future, a better job or place, but the truth is, that most just want to run away and leave this black hole behind. Run from the experience of being a #refugee.” /2
“We have to facilitate people to flourish. To use their potential. But instead we create prison-like structures, with no trees, no shade, no schools, no carpets or movie nights, nothing individual should remain, no traces should be left. The unspoken aim: Vanish.” /3
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🔴We are not satisfied by what we heard here today. The numbers mentioned are a bit off: We heard that there are 15.000 people in #Lesvos, while the Greek government speaks of 7.500. What is going on here, exactly?>>>⬇

#refugeecrisis #EPlenary @Europarl_EN
@SyrizaI @Left_EU
Mr. Meimarakis, representing the @EPPGroup, said he is satisfied with the closed centers we are paying for. Mrs. @YlvaJohansson, are we building closed centers after all? These are essentially concentration camps.>>>⬇

#refugeecrisis #EPlenary @Europarl_EN
@SyrizaI @Left_EU
The European way of Life of Mr @MargSchinas & the new Migration Pact consists of inhuman detention conditions, of zero sanitary conditions & of small portions of low-quality but exceedingly expensive food.>>>⬇

#EPlenary @Europarl_EN
@SyrizaI @Left_EU
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Roads to the new camp in #Lesvos are blocked. People are still allowed in & out of the camp. Another transfer of around 600 recognized #refugeesgr from the island to the mainland is planned today. #Moria
People are being transferred into busses in the side entrance of the new camp. A military truck is taking some of their belongings. Many people have dressed in their best clothes. Children excited to leave. “Where are we going” one woman asks policeman, “Ella!” he replies. /2
“They scream at the people inside quarantine camp, stay away, like animals. All of us animals. It’s enough. We only have us left.”

Inside the camp people remain without water, the promised WiFi or electricity. People with disabilities are not given precedence in food line. /3
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Speaking on #SocDems motion to #EndChildPoverty, @OCallaghanCian says Govt can do much better than take in four refugee children from #Lesvos Image
The Housing First model works - but it's a political choice. We have to decide what type of country we want. Govt needs to take a leadership role to #EndChildPoverty @OCallaghanCian
We currently have 2,620 children living in emergency or temporary accommodation. In 1990, there were five families in Dublin put into emergency accommodation for the entire year - by mid-2019, we were looking at four families a day in the region. @OCallaghanCian #EndChildPoverty
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!Share! The new Camp on #Lesvos looks like a #Moria2. #Refugeesgr from inside sent us photos/videos. This thread will present the footage in order to give a voice to the refugees silenced again. No one wants to be in this camp. 1/9

#LeaveNoOneBehind Image

The tents at #Moria2 where set up quickly. They have no floor. What's if it rains? They are not winter-proof. The camp is exposed to the north. In autumn & winter the wind is heavy & cold. How to heat these tents? There is no electricity. Almost no light at night 2/9

The Camp is build on an old military shooting range. How save could an old shooting range be? Save enough to put thousands of #refugeesgr on it? No one knows what's in the ground. It's for sure chemically contaminated. A lot of children gonna play there. 3/9 ImageImageImage
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"Human dignity should not be buried under the ashes of Moria."

These powerful words are from our team in #Greece, who are supporting migrants and refugees displaced by the #MoriaCamp disaster. 1/3 Image
Tensions are running high on #Lesvos.

These vulnerable men, women & children are being told they must move into a new camp on the island - or their asylum applications will be affected.

We have mobile medical units stationed at the entrance of the new camp & inside. 2/3 Image
They will provide a wide range of services, incl. primary healthcare & psychological first aid.

We're also distributing essentials like soap & toilet paper.

Help us restore their dignity, donate today:…

📷: Yiannis Yiannakopoulos/MdM Greece 3/3 Image
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🟢 What is the State of the European Union #SOTEU debate? It's an important moment of #EU #democracy, when MEPs hold the @EU_Commission to account, checking on work done & the #FutureofEurope.

🎞️by @Europarl_EN

#NextGenerationEU #EUGreenDeal @boell_stiftung @boell_EU_USA
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#Breaking: The illegal migrant camp on the Greek Island #Lesvos has been completed, now they are building a registration center facility for the identification of the illegal migrants. The 2.0 camp should be opening tomorrow morning to house 4-5k illegal migrants. #Greece
#Update: Drone video captured by @protothema showing you the new and improved illegal migrant camp on the island of #Lesvos, reports says it should open tomorrow morning or in the late afternoon to host 4-5K illegal migrants. #Greece
#Update: Around 500 illegal migrants on the Greek island of #Lesvos, have been relocated to the new 2.0 closed off migrant camp. The camp has a capacity right now to house around 3500-4000 people. Lots of the illegal migrants still refuse to be resettled to the new camp. #Greece
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Last night, fire ripped through #Moria refugee camp on Lesvos

The camp was home to more than 12,000 people including 4,000+ children

No casualties so far reported

This is not the first such fire👇but it’s by far the biggest⁣⁣
⁣⁣(Video @f_grillmeier)
One thing that struck me about #Moria when I was last there, was the hope amid the squalor, the flowerbeds beside the razor-wire fencing

People there faced a crisis from every angle: medical, humanitarian & human rights.

But I also witnessed a huge amount of compassion & hope. ImageImageImageImage
A week after fire in #Moria, thousands are still on the street

A decade since the start of the Syria crisis, Western politicians still cling to the belief any humanity will be a “pull factor” & try to make lives of asylum seekers as miserable as possible.…
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Strong indications that the #Moria refugee camp fire is an act of asymmetric warfare on #Greece:

▫️fires started simultaneously at different spots
▫️majority of refugees were packed & ready
▫️videos of them chanting “burn Moria burn”
▫️#Turkey’s state media already in the game
One of the videos. Listen at 01:10 singing “burn Moria burn, bye bye”. A second before that, one of them says “memnun memnun” which means grateful in Arabic & pleased in Turkish.

⇢ via @a_pGR_
Here’s another video with refugees fleeing #Moria fire scene calmly & already prepared with their bags & luggage’s.
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SOS in the AEGEAN - 44 ppl in distress off #Lesvos called Alarmphone. Their last position is in Greek waters: 39°09'20.8"N 26°33'41.1"E (04:17 CEST). The boat is adrift & the people are asking for immediate help.
@HCoastGuard is informed - don't let them drown, rescue them now. Image
We have lost contact to the people on the boat near #Lesvos. Their last position showed them closed to the port of #Mytilene. The people reported on the phone that the Greek Coast Guard was on site. @HCoastGuard, where are they?
We established contact with the people on the boat who told us that they were beaten by masked men & forced to return to Turkey. The person we spoke to said: "What the Greeks did to us was not human."
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⚠️⚠️At 13:24 CEST, we were alerted by 30 people incl. 3 children & 11 women in a boat in distress at the position 39.3983577,26.2907193 near #Lesvos. The boat is adrift & they cannot move anymore. We alerted the @HCoastGuard & other competent authorities & asked for their rescue. Image
The people are in the water since 18:00 CEST yesterday. They are from Afghanistan and Iran. They say that no one is rescuing yet. It is very hot, their water has run out and the babies are crying. We urge the @HCoastGuard & competent authorities to proceed to rescue immediately.
The people told us a while ago that they were being brought back to Turkey on a vessel of the Turkish Coast Guard. The position they sent us earlier was clearly in Greek waters as per the screenshot on this thread. How did that happen?
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For 3 hrs we are following a case with 30 people in distress off the North coast of #Lesvos inside Greek waters. Water is already entering their boat & they are drifting! Now, vessel AZ 615 of @HCoastGuard is on scene & announced that they would carry out a rescue.

According to the people in distress, there are 5 children & 3 pregnant women among them. It's almost completely dark now but HCG is not carrying out a rescue yet. The people in distress ask for international protection & urge the competent authorities to rescue now! Image
Where are they? Still no rescue confirmed!
We lost contact to the 30 people in distress off the coast of Lesvos & are worried about them. #Europe, don't leave them alone with a leaking boat in the dark - @HCoastGuard, rescue them now, don't let them drown!

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BREAKING - 29 people, incl. many children in distress in Greek waters off #Lesvos. We informed all authorities at 06:03 CEST. Their last pos. at 07.21 CEST was 39.387947, 26.453352.

We ask the @HCoastGuard to rescue immediately!

#refugeesGR Image
The people sent a video showing that the boat is adrift & that water is coming in. Their most recent position is 39.368210, 26.471159 10:03 CEST. 3 other vessels are also visible near them. We communicated the situation to the @HCoastGuard & asked for their immediate rescue. Image
The people on the boat sent their most recent position at 11:11 CEST: 39.366913, 26.461554. The @HCoastGuard confirms that this position is in Greek SAR. According to the people, there is at least one vessel of the Greek Coast Guard near them. They are asking for immediate help! Image
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32 people still denied rescue despite distress situation and reported dangers to their health. Small children and a pregnant woman are in critical health condition, according to the people in the boat. Greek and Turkish Coast Guards leave them alone in the sea.
We call on the international community to step in now. Sea rescue is a duty and denial of rescue is a crime. @Dunja_Mijatovic @Frontex @UNHCRGreece @EU_Commission @EUCouncil @Refugees @HCoastGuard
The people are saying: "Our boat has a hole and water is entering. There are the Turkish and there the Greeks and they just watch." They need to be rescued immediately!
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