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Saskatoon police arrest man with alleged #Russian #organizedcrime connections

Alexander Alexidze, a 48-year-old Georgian national wanted by several authorities in Canada and the US, was living in Saskatoon under “one of many” assumed identities.…
"Alexidze is charged with procurement of false identity documents, possession of credit cards obtained by the commission of an offence, possession of the proceeds of crime over $5,000..."
..."possession of citizenship documents for a fraudulent purpose, #fraud over $5,000 and the use of forged documents."
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@queenpatriot_45 Watch Ranveer Singh perfectly capture the victorious spirit of Peshwa #warrior Bajirao in this high-octane traditional song 'Malhari' from the #Film 'Bajirao Mastani'.

Peshwa means #PrimeMinister. This is the origin of the #Trump meme.

@queenpatriot_45 The #Trump guy is Bajirao I, #PrimeMinister of the #Maratha Confederacy in #India.
He compared #Mughal's to a tree:

Let us strike the trunk of the withering tree & the branches will fall off themselves. Listen to my counsel & I shall plant Maratha's flag on the walls of Attock
@queenpatriot_45 Those of you familiar with how #Trump helped Rudy Giuliani as an #Undercover agent to take down the #NewYork #Mafia Families, from the bottom up, will recognize the significance of this quote.
This is why the #Cabal leaders are in such a #Panic right now.
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Some of the people with whom I interact here on twitland know me very well. For those who don’t, busting the #LymeDisease #mafia has become my life’s mission. I have been sick from a tick bite since 1995. I went undiagnosed for 14 years.
I passed #LymeDisease #borreliosis to my daughter in utero. She is a brilliant, shining light in this dark, corrupt world. When I started advocating for #Lyme victims I thought I was saving her. Turns out she has saved me by giving me a purpose.
I do not have a science background. I hated science in high school. I had to learn everything I know about #LymeDisease along the way. I did much of this publicly on Facebook for several years, sharing what I was learning with others who wanted to know the truth.
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The establishment creates this problem by first denying the disease, creating a vacuum that quickly fills up with untested treatments & questionable cures. Then they go about trashing their victims who desperately need relief, and the doctors who are willing to treat.
#BTDT #Lyme
It is both infuriating & heart wrenching to watch this scene play out again, with some of the same establishment players engaging in narrative control. Go to ~48:00 for IDSA creep Paul Auwaerter’s word salad tossed at Congress, thx to my friend @PowerOfNeo…
That they have denied, conflated & confused for DECADES #LymeDisease #ME #mecfs #cfs #fibromyalgia and passed them off as psychiatric, and now are doing the same with #LongCovid, should tell you all you need to know about #PublicHealth’s intentions.
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In his speech in Khost Province, the Taliban's deputy leader& acting minister of interior Khalifa Sirajuddin Haqqani said that "Today, when we are assigned to this service (leading the government), we should see it as a responsibility. We should not make out of 20 years of our...… Image
...#Jihad, a #Mafia, to take privileges from it. These conditions are not tolerable. If yesterday I had one responsibility, today have other. My responsibility today is to bring people closer to me and look at their shortcomings with a reformative view and cover up their wounds."
As part of self-criticism, Khalifa Sirajuddin Haqqani said that we (Taliban's leadership) are such arrogant that "challenging, exclusivity and defamation of the entire system (Islamic Emirate) is now our initiative and opinion".
His remarks reflect the dissatisfication of the ...
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viviamo un presente tossico, coi fasci liberi di tendere il loro merdoso braccio destro e noi a nasconderci, come se la minaccia della pista anarchica facesse paura a noi, come se fossimo noi contro natura, non lo Stato, la montagna di merda fondata sulle stragi.
#7Feb Image
Il compagno #Alfredo ci pone davanti a una scelta e la scelta è la nostra libertà.
Non posso far finta di non aver capito, non possiamo tergiversare e consegnare solo alla parola la nostra reazione, finiremmo col diventare complici del suo assassinio.
Bisogna costruire subito un'unione nazionale -e Internazionale- e demolire questo pericoloso ordine delle cose.

La libertà dell'individuo anarchico si avrà solo quando tutto il nostro movimento si muoverà come un individuo libero di agire.

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🧵#Italien: Festnahme von Matteo Messina #Denaro der "Boss der Bosse" der #CosaNostra #Mafia nach 30 Jahren auf der Flucht. 1/x #Italien: Festnahme von Matteo Messina #Denaro der "Bos
2/x #Italia: Arrestato Matteo Messina #Denaro il "boss dei boss" di #CosaNostra #Mafia #Italia: Arrestato Matteo Messina #Denaro il "boss dei
3/x #Italy: Arrest of Matteo Messina #Denaro the "boss of bosses" of the #CosaNostra #Mafia #Italy: Arrest of Matteo Messina #Denaro the "boss of b
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Matteo #MessinaDenaro è stato arrestato all'interno di una struttura sanitaria a #Palermo, dove si era recato per sottoporsi a terapie cliniche. Lo ha dichiarato il generale di divisione Pasquale Angelosanto, comandante dei Ros.
Senza dubbio la notizia più stupefacente ed emozionante da quando ho aperto questo Blog. A tra poco per ulteriori aggiornamenti.
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🧵Just read the latest by @marklowen on #ndrangheta based on @NicolaGratteri, maxi trial etc and I want to share some thoughts, as from the BBC I expect more. First of all, outmost respect for Mr Gratteri, his work is precious and whose expertise is key…
2/ The article does not say anything new. The Magistrate vs the Mob narrative has been around since 2019/2020 when RinascitaScott trial started. The only new element is that now, for the public, the trial is known as 'Mancuso MaxiTrial', yet another fiction in this narrative.
3/ The numbers on the #ndrangheta income are mythological and have been disputed many times with data at hands. It would be about time that media stopped fuelling this myth. SIMILARLY, the control of 80% of #cocaine trade, it's old data and unrealistic.
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@PasquaCharles2 @55Bellechasse Alors toi t'es un bon.
Parler de "récidive" pour un teubé Zemmourien arborant photo & nom de #Pasqua qui bossait pour la mafia, sa mère "Rinaldi" appartenait à une famille mafieuse, marié à une descendante de contrebandier #Prohibition bossant pour Lucky Luciano...
@PasquaCharles2 @55Bellechasse #Pasqua ..., trafiquant de drogue, commanditaire de meurtres, coup d'états & attentats en "francafrique" (Pas Gaulliste, puisque entre 1975-1995 : prétexte par lui et opportunité pour les Partis et politiciens, ennemis du Gaullisme, pour justifier SES SEULES affaires criminelles.
@PasquaCharles2 @55Bellechasse #Pasqua Criminel multirécidivistes qui s'en vantait, "Intouchable", car tenait par les couilles #Pompidou #Mitterrand jusque #Sarkozy en passant par #Giscard, #Balladur #Rocard #Fabius #DSK…, soutenu par la mafia Americano-Italiano-Sicilienne & financé par un Rothschild...
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Read 352 tweets
A questo punto sarebbe sbagliato anche dire che la #juve sta al calcio come la #Mafia alla società civile.
Perché la juve ha influito sul calcio in maniera assai più determinante di quanto ha fatto la mafia nella società: ne ha condizionato ogni aspetto, corrotto gli
attori, creato un sistema che soffocava chiunque non ne facesse parte.
Inoltre, a differenza della mafia, è stata sempre esaltata dai media(anche loro facenti parte del suo sistema), addirittura presa a modello, invece di esser condannata ed emarginata.
Si può dire che ogni
aspetto della nostra vita quotidiana sia segnato dalla presenza delle mafie?
Ovviamente no!
Per quanto ramificate nel tessuto sociale ne rappresentano sempre un fenomeno marginale.
La juve no!
La Juve era l'autentico demiurgo del calcio italiano: capace di condizionare interi
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Nadie del Partido Popular dijo nada cuando el Tribunal Supremo rebajó la condena de 13,5 años a tan solo 5 años de prisión para el edil del PP de Palma de Mallorca, Javier Rodrigo de Santos de 45 años, por CUATRO delitos de abusos sexuales a menores.
Breve hilo sobre el caso.🧵👇🏽
El Supremo dejó la pena del ex-edil del PP en 5años, porque planteó dudas sobre si uno de los menores, q tenía entonces 14años, dio o no su consentimiento para mantener relaciones sexuales con un adulto de 45años, culpabilizando a las víctimas a diferencia de la Ley #SoloSiesSi.
Este exconcejal del PP se hizo famoso inicialmente por estar en contra el matrimonio homosexual aprobado por el Gobierno del PSOE, debido a su perfil ultracatólico (casado y padre de 5 hijos). Fue concejal de Urbanismo en Palma en la época de los grandes pelotazos urbanísticos.
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[ seijoh mafia au ]


yahaba hummed when he heard watari's voice in his in-ear. he's sitting on the same table as matsukawa, who's not surprisingly is winning right now, in casino.

"kyoutani's on standby with his sniper rifle." watari said earning another + Image
soft hum from yahaba. "kunimi's now in control of all the surveillance cameras and i already knocked out every single guards outside." watari added

yahaba grins then nods his head. he's not someone who's good in gambling that's why matsukawa is their lord gambler not him. +
but he needs to be on the same table as matsukawa so he can keep an eye to their main target, who's not gritting his teeth while watching matsukawa winning for the nth time.

"my, my! mr. nakajima, what's with the glares?" matsukawa asked with a shit-eating grin +
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Der #tatort morgen in @DasErste dreht sich um einen Mafiosi in Münster. Ich werde den Film ab 20:15 Uhr live kommentieren und mit Fakten zum Thema Italienische Organisierte Kriminalität in Deutschland (und Münster) anreichern. #mafia #antimafia @mafianeindanke Image
Es ist mir etwas peinlich, dass die Autokorrektur den Mafioso in den Plural gesetzt hat... Kein guter Beginn 😏
Schon lange sind Mafia-Aktivitäten im echten Münster festzustellen. Giorgio Basile etwa organisierte Anfang der 1990er-Jahre den Handel mit Haschisch und Kokain zwischen Bochum und Münster. #tatort
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1. today @fattoquotidiano reveals that key docs about a sensitive investigation on #Mafia in Italy have mysteriously disappeared.
Let's compare this case with the destruction of key docs on the #Assange case which my #FOIA lawyers @estelledehon,@suigenerisjen and I unearthed
2. the key documents concerning a very sensitive investigation on #Mafia in Italy disappeared into thin air:some mysterious character did it. Who? A mafia operative? A secret service agent in bed with Italian mafia?
3. whereas in the #Assange case,the key documents were destroyed on purpose by the very same British public authority which today is in charge of extradition to the US and in the past it was in charge of extradition to Sweden: the #CrownProsecutionService
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Das Buch von @SanneCMdeBoer ist auch ein Entwicklungsroman, der mit Italiensehnsucht beginnt und an dessen Ende der veränderte Blick der Autorin auf ihr Heimatland 🇳🇱 steht: „Indem ich mich in die Verbindungen der ‘Ndrangheta vertiefte, lernte ich von Kalabrien aus die scheinbar
so sicheren und vertrauenswürdigen Niederlande von einer ganz anderen Seite kennen“,schreibt sie.Und genau das ist es, was uns verbindet: Ich blicke anders auf Deutschland, seitdem ich weiß, dass der Mafia bei ihrem Aufstieg in 🇩🇪 kein Stein in den Weg gelegt wurde. Im Gegenteil.
2008 schrieb ich in "Mafia. Von Paten, Pizzerien und falschen Priestern" als Erste über die #Mafia in Erfurt. Und keine 14 Jahre später gibt es in Thüringen einen Mafia-Untersuchungsausschuss. "Ah, la Germania, tutto funziona" hieß es in 🇮🇹 immer. Ähem.
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UK's main opposition party is run like #mafia
The #establishment media will ignore it, but it reveals a serious #crisis of #democracy in Britain

Sir @TrevorPTweets said in 2019 he thinks biggest threat to democracy after Brexit was Muslim protesters Birmingham, he will be livid
@TrevorPTweets Silent since the opposition to the protesters,
‘Enemy At the Gates ‘
was exposed as #Stonewall,
the REAL playground bullies & mob of 2019 No Outsiders Panto

Please Sir, break your silence on

#Equality was core of the national debate

How can the EX-EHRC chair be silent after being wrong about the bigger threat to democracy,

The opposition, #StonewallLaw Disciples, No Outsiders misrepresented EA2010, Queering the curriculum by stealth,
Circumventing parents rights
Indoctrinating kids with a radical ideology ImageImageImageImage
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#Ministerivastuu #demarit
@anttirinneexpj - Maksatko Antti, osamaksulla +korot, vai mitataanko omaisuus.
€8 miljardia mahtuu tiukkaan pakattuina satasina, kahdeksaan rekka-autoon.
@anttirinneexpj #IS kävi läpi #hallitus­ -neuvotteluiden ennätysmäiset kulut – irtokarkeilla ja suklaalla herkuteltiin
yli 3000 euron edestä | 31.10.2019
- #Loppulasku oli 595396 euroa, kun eduskunta oli budjetoinut hallitusneuvotteluihin 180000 euroa.…
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Si è spesso detto che un regime estremamente autoritario come quello di #Putin era un regime “forte” perché può prendere decisioni in modo rapido e incontrastato. La #guerra in #Ucraina sta dimostrando il contrario. Il regime forte di Putin è un sistema debole. Vediamo perché 1/
Il sistema #Putin è una dittatura che concentra il potere verso l’alto nell’uomo che comanda, circondato da una cerchia di complici. Gli altri sono solo sicofanti, sergenti, cacciatori di prebende e quaquaraqua’. Prendono ordini da sopra e li passano sotto. Ma contano 2/
Il risultato è che tutti sono deresponsabilizzati. Chi è sulla linea del fronte e sa com’è, fronte metaforico o reale, deferisce a un altro più su. Che deferisce a un altro più su. E poi ancora a un altro. Nessuno è in grado di decidere nei tempi giusti e sapendo di prima mano 3/
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