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#Earthquake (#земљотрес) possibly felt 29 sec ago in #Montenegro. Felt it? Tell us via:
⚠ Automatic crowdsourced detection, not seismically verified yet. More info soon! Image
👉#Bar (локално време 15:13:10). Да ли сте осетили земљотрес? Поделите ваше искуство:

Ваши коментари имају велики значај за разумевање последица земљотреса.🙏
Eyewitnesses reported shaking in #Montenegro 3 min ago (local time 15:13:10)⚠
At present, we have no seismic data confirming this crowdsourced detection.❗
More info soon! Image
Read 10 tweets
Per la serie, #ciarlatani d'assalto, oggi vi parlerò di Tullio #Simoncini che sosteneva di curare il #cancro con il #bicarbonato. Il medico, radiato per fortuna dall'Ordine, ha in tutta la sua storia contenuto tutti i metodi per raggirare gonzi e a qualcuno è costato la vita 1/10
Nonostante fosse radiato in Italia, continuò in #Albania ad esercitare la professione (abusivamente) continuando a fare danni.
Una bellissima indagine di Maria Roselli e Fabio Pellegrinelli trovò che continuava a ricevere pazienti ed a fare convegni 2/10…
Secondo il medico, il cancro sarebbe un fungo. Ed espose queste folli teorie in un libro:
"Il cancro è un fungo. La rivoluzione nella cura dei tumori!"
Il libro è ancora in circolazione al modico prezzo di 130 euro 3/10
Read 20 tweets
Day 402 of the war. #Russia's illegal full invasion of #Ukraine.

This is the start of the daily news thread for Saturday 1 April, with all the relevant news updated as quickly and often as I can around the clock.
Thanks everyone for your support.
Together we #StandWithUkraine
I am currently sat in Mother Theresa airport (did you know there was such an airport name?) - I'll give the city/country in the next tweet, a little quiz to start your weekend!

Friday turned out to be quite busy for #Ukraine news, here's the link:

So, the answer to the conundrum? The airport named after Mother Theresa is in Tirana, capital of #Albania. A taxi ride over the border from Montenegro & now two flights to get home.

Thank you @CLies13 who's just bought me multiple coffees to keep me going at airport lounges💙💛
Read 24 tweets
Today during the new phase of #UkraineRussiaWar, I'll talk about why Nordic, Eastern Europeans and Central Asians want #Russia to be disintegrated, and how pro-Russian supporters seek to undermine these narratives. Thread. 🧵 Image
The map of Russia is very big. Including the Kaliningrad exclave, Russia borders 13 countries on land and one country at the sea. However, Tsarist and Soviet conquests also led to Russia having some sort of influence beyond the border. Image
Being an inland empire, Russia expanded via land, a different compared to typical Western maritime empires. And Russia has, for a long time, treated its colonies in a brutal, repressive manner. ImageImageImageImage
Read 68 tweets
How ISLAMIZATION occurs when
there are sufficient MUSLIMS in a country.... #Thread

When culturally diverse societies agree to 'the reasonable'
Muslim demands for their 'religious rights,' they also get the other components under
the table. Here's how it works...👇🏻👇🏻 Image
📍 As long as the Muslim population remains around 1% of any given country they will
be regarded as a peace-loving minority and not as a threat to anyone.

(#UnitedStates --1.0%; #Australia --1.5%; #Canada --1.9%; #China --1%-2%; #Italy --1.5%;
#Norway --1.8%)
📍 At 2% and 3% Muslims begin to proselytize from other ethnic minorities and disaffected
groups with major recruiting from the jails and among street gangs.

(#Denmark --2%;
#Germany --3.7%; #UnitedKingdom --2.7%; #Spain --4%; #Thailand --4.6%)
Read 13 tweets
"The 'McGonigal' scandal/ Berisha publishes the citizen's message: For 3 days on an island with FBI investigators"

#rama… Image
"The head of PD Sali Berisha posted today on Facebook a message that came to him from a citizen, who confesses that Prime Minister Edi Rama has been in a meeting with FBI investigators and senior officials for three days." Image
"Rama has been asked to confess his connections with McGonigal, Neza, Ducka, Rossini, and Bladel. Meanwhile, Erion Velia has urgently left for New York to ask Alex Soros to help or to save himself because he is mentioned many times in the part of the file that is not published." Image
Read 4 tweets
🇽🇰🇷🇸⚡️A video of a Kosovo Albanian calling for a boycott of products with a Serbian barcode has spread around the Internet.
#serbia #kosovo #albania #vucic #nato
The author of the video hints that by buying Serbian-made cookies, local residents are sponsoring "Serbian aggression."
The Albanians started the war with Serbian goods a long time ago, and with a new round of escalation, it has acquired new forms and scale. However, in some areas it is not possible to influence consumer choice even with the help of creative content.
Read 4 tweets
Law Office & Investigation LLC (Jan. 10, 2008 - Oct. 24, 2019)

#dizdari #neza #rossini #mcgonigal #albania…
Dizdari says he used to ship weapons from Israel to Kosovo.…
Albanian Socialist MP Erion Braçe says Dizdari is connected to Sali Berisha.…
Read 5 tweets
Hoy, 28/11, es el día de la independencia de #Albania, así que lo celebramos con un hilo sobre el país con el comunismo más comunista de la historia, con una gigantesca plantación de marihuana, monumentos a Bush y que es, desde 2014, mi enemigo íntimo favorito.

Gëzuar! 🇦🇱 Image
A los albaneses más nacionalistas les encanta decir que son descendientes directos del pueblo ilirio, que habitaba la región desde antes del 2000 a.C. El idioma albanés, sin relación directa con ningún otro, descendería de las lenguas ilirias.
Pero son teorías del nacionalismo. ImageImageImage
El tema es que #Albania siempre perteneció a otro: a Macedonia, Grecia, Roma, Bizancio, Bulgaria, Serbia, Imperio Otomano (contra quien luchó y terminó perdiendo el héroe nacional Gjergj Kastrioti, #Skanderbeg, el de las fotos con su casco de cabra) e Italia.

Hasta 1912. ImageImage
Read 38 tweets
#HILO 🧵| El próximo viernes se disputará un partido muy caliente, con muchísima carga política.
Te explicamos por qué.
#HILO🧵|Tenemos que hablar de historia y remontarnos a los tiempos del Imperio Otomano. Siglo XIV.
Desde Anatolia, los sultanes de la actual #Turquía querían expandirse al Este de Europa. Particularmente a los balcanes.
En el año 1389, enfrentaron a los serbios en Kosovo.
#HILO🧵| Kosovo era una región dominada por los príncipes serbios.
Allí se encontraron los dos ejércitos: los otomanos eran muchísimos más. Se pensaba que la victoria sería muy fácil.
Sin embargo, los serbios resistieron heroicamente.
Read 14 tweets
#Iran, le proteste di piazza, le ingerenze americane, il contesto internazionale

L’immagine fornita dai media occidentali nasconde la complessità della partita iraniana.

Il mio ultimo articolo per #IntelligenceForThePeople

#IranProtests2022… Image
Da metà settembre, l’#Iran è alle prese con ondate di protesta di varia intensità, sullo sfondo di un malcontento diffuso e di una difficile situazione economica nel paese, enormemente inasprita dalle sanzioni internazionali che ne soffocano lo sviluppo.
#IranProtests2022 Image
Ciò avviene mentre Teheran è ancora impegnata in un estenuante negoziato con gli USA per ripristinare l’accordo nucleare (#JCPOA), e si appresta ad aderire all’Organizzazione per la Cooperazione di Shanghai (#SCO) entro il 2023.
Read 26 tweets
Multiple #Iran cyber actors behind mid-July #cyberattack on #Albania, per @Microsoft Security Threat Intelligence

"Microsoft assessed with high confidence that multiple Iranian actors participated in this attack—with different actors responsible for distinct phases"
Per @Microsoft:

- DEV-0842 deployed the ransomware and wiper malware
- DEV-0861 gained initial access and exfiltrated data
- DEV-0166 exfiltrated data
- DEV-0133 probed victim infrastructure

"The actors involved in gaining initial access and exfiltrating data in the attack are linked to EUROPIUM, which has been publicly linked to #Iran’s Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS)" per @Microsoft
Read 5 tweets
Thread: 21 August 2022: Day 179 of #Russia's invasion of #Ukraine
To follow up on the assassination of Aleksandr Dugin's daughter last night: the balance of probability for an assassination in Moscow is always the Russian FSB, possibly with the involvement of organised crime, not the Ukrainian SBU.
#pt: It is not *impossible* to construct a motive for the Ukrainian SBU trying to assassinate Dugin, but the SBU knows what apparently most Westerners do not: that Dugin is not a domestic power player, politically or ideologically, in the Kremlin.
Read 20 tweets
BREAKING News/ Not officially confirmed. SOURCES: At least two #Russian citizens have attacked a Military Base in Gramsh; #Albania, while they have attacked Albanian soldiers with acid.
#Albanian soldiers were attacked with paralyzing substances, photos from the soldiers in the hospital. the fate of the #Russians is still unknown
updating; The attack was not on a military base, but on a #military FACTORY.
Read 16 tweets
Thread: 20 August 2022: Day 178 of #Russia's invasion of #Ukraine
Latest @DefenceHQ update: "only minimal changes" along the front line in the Donbas over "the last week", after some minor #Russian advances in early August. #Ukraine moving on Kherson, increasingly frequent strikes behind the lines in the south are "stressing Russian logistics".
Credit to #France's President Macron for this: strongly preparing the French population for a rough winter, necessary to defend their security and values.
Read 38 tweets
Vittorio Emanuele III era visibilmente contrariato da quanto gli aveva comunicato #Mussolini
"Perché rischiare una grossa avventura per prendere quattro sassi?"
Era il 27 marzo 1939, i quattro sassi erano la #Albania e questa è la #storia di una colonizzazione moderna.
L'Italia aveva messo gli occhi sul territorio albanese fin da fine '800 per la sua importanza strategica nel "chiudere" il mare Adriatico e farlo diventare un "lago italiano".
Fin dalla sua indipendenza nel 1913 aveva quindi cercato di porre l'Albania sotto il suo controllo.
Fin dagli anni '20 l'Albania era così diventata un protettorato italiano, legata come era ai finanziamenti di Roma per la sua sopravvivenza, una soluzione vantaggiosa sia per l'autoproclamato re Zog che per l'Italia.
Ma l'ambizione di un uomo cambiò tutto: Galeazzo Ciano.
Read 20 tweets
I hope you get the chance for a peaceful and relaxing Sunday. That's something many thousands in #Ukraine haven't had for almost 6 months.

It's Day 172 of #Russia's invasion and here's the daily thread with all the news and analysis you need, updated throughout the day⬇️
Quite a bit of late action on yesterday's thread. You can scroll through yesterday's thread here if you need a catch up:

#StandWithUkraine #StopRussia

Potentially good news from @amnesty

The organisation's pledged to have its' "#Ukraine report" examined by independent experts.

Amnesty International says it "wants to understand what exactly went wrong" according to Deutsche Welle.

Appointing @AgnesCallamard perhaps?
Read 55 tweets
On this day in 1913, the Treaty of Bucharest was signed by delegates of #Bulgaria, #Romania, #Serbia, #Montenegro, and #Greece, ending the Second Balkan War. This conflict was another example of Balkan instability due to unsolved border disputes and Great Power politics. Image
After centuries of presence of the #OttomanEmpire in the Balkans, it began to weaken in 19th century. The Balkan nations were also aware of this. In 1912 four Balkan kingdoms - Greece, Bulgaria, Serbia, and Montenegro - created the Balkan League to liberate its territories. Image
Soon after, the Ottomans began to mobilize their army. This was also done by the Balkan kingdoms. The great powers have warned that they don’t support border changes in the Balkans. However, Montenegro was first to attack in October 1912, which started the First Balkan War. Image
Read 12 tweets
Η προσπάθεια αποσταθεροποίησης των ΔΒ, υποκινούμενη από τις δικτατορίες της Ασίας, θα πρέπει να βρει ως απάντηση μία αστραπιαία, χειμαρρώδη και τόσο πρωτοφανή, από την 🇬🇷, αντίδραση, που να μην αφήνει περιθώρια για εφαρμογή Plan B
#Σερβια #Kosovo #Balkans…
Η αδράνεια στην δεκαετία του 20′, θα αντιμετωπιστεί από τους ιστορικούς του μέλλοντος σαν προδοσία!

#Σερβια #Taiwan #Balkans #Albania #Greece #NATO #Χο_Τσι_Μινχ #AlQaeda
Η Ελλάδα είναι η μόνη χώρα που διαθέτει όλα εκείνα τα απαραίτητα εργαλεία/μέσα ώστε να τραβήξει τις χώρες των Δυτικών Βαλκανίων «πίσω» στην Ευρώπη, σε αντίθεση με γεωπολιτικούς μας ανταγωνιστές, που μόνο κοντύτερα στον αυταρχισμό της Ασίας μπορεί να τα φέρει.
Read 5 tweets
Cosa sta succedendo in #Kosovo?
Da questo pomeriggio a Mitrovica Nord si registrano tensioni e suonano le sirene. Diversi cittadini si sono radunati in centro città per protestare contro la decisione del governo del #Kosovo di dare il via alla reimmatricolazione dei veicoli e
non riconoscere la registrazione dei documenti rilasciati dalla #Serbia. Potrebbe apparire una questione marginale, se non addirittura banale, ma la realtà è che investe un tema identitario, in quei #Balcani che su questi altari hanno sacrificato in passato innumervoli vite.
Il presidente serbo Aleksandar #Vucic ha dichiarato in un discorso alla nazione che la polizia del #Kosovo a mezzanotte avvierà un'operazione nel nord del Paese ed inizierà a vietare l'ingresso ai cittadini con documenti di identità rilasciati dalla #Serbia.
Read 22 tweets
A working 🧵 to track #inflation-related #protests around the world

Some mvmts are learning from others (Canada-Dutch-Italy-Germany), and some are more extreme than others (Sri Lanka vs. Peru).

MSM isn't reporting, but you can be sure Western govts are watching

Read 14 tweets
Thread: 1 July 2022: Day 128 of #Russia's invasion of #Ukraine
#Russia bombed a block of flats in Odesa overnight, killing at least ten civilians
Great move from #Canada. The worries about depleting Western weapons stockpiles are largely misplaced: what is happening in #Ukraine - defending Europe from #Russia - is what these weapons were acquired for in the first place.
Read 23 tweets
Albania Top Channel: Former US Vice President Mike Pence arrives in #Albania, visits 'Ashraf 3'
via @topchanneltv #Iran #FreeIran2022… Image
#Albania Top Channel: The former vice president said that the Iranian people have a special place in his heart and that their voice is stronger than ever in the global space.
#Iran #FreeIran2022… Image
#Albania Top Channel: Former US Vice President Mike Pence said the people of #Iran will be free in the future. #FreeIran2022… Image
Read 4 tweets
Exclusive Report: 48th US Vice President @Mike_Pence Meets NCRI’s @Maryam_Rajavi, Visits Ashraf 3 in #Albania…
"Fmr. Vice @Mike_Pence: "I traveled more than 5,000 miles from #Indiana to be here today because we share a common cause: the liberation of the #Iranian people from decades of tyranny & the rebirth of a free, peaceful, prosperous & democratic #Iran." 1/15…"
"I can say with certainty that the #American people support your goal of establishing a secular, #democratic, nonnuclear #Iranian republic that derives its powers from the consent of the governed." 2/15…
Read 16 tweets

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