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#Exxon's climate opponents were smeared after a private email was handed to the media, including @WSJ.

Was project "Rainbow," a hack-for-hire operation, responsible?

Now, WSJ's own @cmatthews9 asks: who commissioned it?

$XOM denies involvement. 1/… ImageImageImageImage
2/ Yep #Russia does hack & leak operations.

But so does a mercenary industry that gets less attention.

Even as their handiwork shows up in major US policy debates.

By @jc_stubbs @razhael @Bing_Chris…
3/ The WSJ piece shows just how far that presumed-hacked email travelled..

News reports, PR materials, even #Exxon's opening statement in a trial..

But also the complexities of pinning down the ultimately-responsible parties.

Mercenary hack & leak ops are tricky. ImageImage
Read 4 tweets
#Dow plastered #Singapore with ads for a sneaker #recycling program, promising to turn shoes into playground tracks. But the shoes it collected in "recycling" bins got dumped illegally in #Indonesia. This isn't strange: it's how nearly *all* plastic recycling *always* worked. 1/ A woman kneeling to tie her running shoe. She stands on a ba
If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this thread to read or share, here's a link to it on, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:… 2/
Plastic recycling's origin story starts in 1973, when #Exxon's scientists concluded that plastic recycling would never, ever be cost-effective (#ExxonKnew about this, too). 3/
Read 59 tweets
An Meinungen zu #Luetzerath herrscht ja kein Mangel; auch meine war schon partiell in dem einen oder anderen Rant, Tweet, Kommentar etc drin. Deswegen wollte ich eigentl. mal die Klappe halten.

Aber, ach, I am what I am, und nun muss es halt doch raus. / 🧵Thread
Lesezeit: 1-2 Min. abtract für Eilige: "Halt die Klappe, Boomer!"
Man kann diskutieren, ob die Protesform angemessen sei, ob das CO2 aus #Luetzerath nicht durch den ETS eh kompensiert wird, und, wenn's denn Spass macht, auch, dass die Grünen selbst für den jetzigen Rechtsrahmen mit gestimmt haben, der die Räumung ermöglicht, alles fein. Aber
Read 19 tweets
Our new report 'Paris Maligned' finds #oil & #gas🛢️companies are spending vast sums on new #FossilFuel production that will tip the world past #ParisAgreement goals & towards climate catastrophe…
'Paris Maligned' finds #Exxon, #Shell, Total, #Equinor & other companies approved $58bn in investment that is only needed if #oil & #gas demand reaches the point to push global 🌍 temperatures above 2.5°C🌡️…
Thom Allen, #Oil & #Gas Analyst & report author said: “Oil & gas companies are marketing themselves as part of the solution to #ClimateChange, while simultaneously planning production increases that would lead to climate catastrophe"… #BigOil #greenwashing
Read 5 tweets
🇷🇺🔥🇺🇦 #Rusia vs #Ucrania - Día 227 - #URGENTE - Iniciamos #hilo sobre la #GuerraEnUcrania.

🟥 El puente de #Kerch ha caído. Se desconocen las causas, pero esto da pie a Rusia a escalar y es un salto notable en el conflicto.

🇷🇺🔥🇺🇦 #Rusia vs #Ucrania - Día 227 - Lo del tren ardiendo es una incógnita. Podría ser una coincidencia o un fuego derivado de la explosión que ha derribado un tramo completo del puente. La plataforma intacta podría apuntar a ataque a los pilares.

🇷🇺🔥🇺🇦 #Rusia vs #Ucrania - Día 227 - De uno de los puentes han caído al menos dos tramos, lo que lo deja totalmente inservible. #Kerch.

🟥 #Tass apunta a un camión bomba...

🟥 Puede ser Ucrania o falsa bandera rusa para justificar escalada.…
Read 71 tweets
Donnons un nom aux vagues de chaleur : celui des responsables du réchauffement climatique

Après #TotalEnergies1 en juin, et parce que les raisons ne manquent pas, poursuivons l'effort et appelons cette terrible canicule qui vient #TotalEnergies2

A dérouler ⤵️⤵️⤵️
Avant d'expliquer pourquoi garder le nom #TotalEnergies, précisons que cette nouvelle vague de chaleur pourrait approcher l'intensité de "la canicule de 2003, voire peut-être la dépasser", selon le climatologue @cassouman40 : vers dix jours au-dessus de 35-40 °C?

Pour le dire trivialement, si vous avez eu chaud au mois de juin, vous allez suer avec la vague de chaleur qui vient. Pour tout comprendre à son origine et à sa dynamique (intensité, durée, etc), lisez donc ce long thread explicatif de @cassouman40

Read 24 tweets
Die @SZ berichtet: Das Bundes-Innenministerium @bmi_bund hat heimlich Riesensummen in #AntiKlimaAktien von Fossilkonzernen gepumpt und nennt das seinen "Beitrag zum Klimaschutz".

Wie nennt ihr das, @Luisamneubauer @urgewald @parents4future?…
Wir sind wütend! In diesem THREAD erklären wir die seit Jahren laufenden #AntiKlimaAktien-Deals deutscher Ministerien mit Fracking- & Öl-Konzernen.

SPOILER: Es ist sogar SCHLIMMER, als die SZ berichtet...

Wie wir alle mit #Divestment diesen Mist beenden können, steht hier: 👇
Kurz vor der Bundestagswahl 2021 war’s. Da hat das @bmi_bund noch schnell sein AKTIENDEPOT UMGEBAUT, das die Pensionen v.a. von Bundesbeamten mitfinanzieren soll. 10,8 Milliarden Euro stecken sie allein in Aktien. Kann man machen, aber…
Read 18 tweets
#BP #Shell #Exxon & co ont annoncé quitter la Russie. Pas @TotalEnergies qui a décidé de rester. Pourquoi ?

Nous avons compulsé les données : sans les réserves de gaz russe, la stratégie et l'avenir industriels de @TotalEnergies s'effondrent…
Depuis, le début de l'invasion de l'Ukraine par la Russie, @TotalEnergies & @PPouyanne minimisent leur présence en Russie qui ne représenterait que "3 à 5% des revenus du groupe". Nous montrons au contraire que la Russie est la clé de voûte de l'avenir de @TotalEnergies.
Alors que @TotalEnergies a fait du gaz le moteur de sa croissance future, nous montrons que la Russie représente 30 % de sa production gazière mondiale actuelle (alors du'Arctic LNG n'a pas commencé à produire), et 61% de sa production qui peut être acheminé en Europe par gazoduc
Read 9 tweets
Nicht nur die Börsen in #Russland crashen, auch internationale Investoren ziehen in großem Stil Geld ab. Der staatliche Investmentfonds #Norwegen's trennt sich von allen Wertpapieren des Landes. /MS
Der Energiekonzern #bp aus #Großbritannien verkauft seine fast 20% an #Rosneft - und rechnet mit bis zu 25 Mrd. $ an Abschreibungen. /MS…
#Shell stößt seine Beteiligung an diversen Projekten mit #Gazprom ab. Hier stehen 3 Mrd. US-$ auf der Risikoliste. /MS
Read 4 tweets
Investors + resource-rich countries + civil society ALL want to see greater corporate accountability for #oil #gas & #mining co's commitments to #transparency.

So why does that seem so hard to achieve at the global #EITI Board mtg this week?


Quick history:
The Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative #EITI grew out of civil society calls since the late '90s for mining, oil & gas companies to #PublishWhatYouPay to governments around the world.

The idea was to shine a🔦on corruption +💸💸flows in the sector.

In 2002-2003, @EITIorg was born, as “an initiative built on the notion of equal transparency from the governments and the companies” with participation from representatives of governments, companies, and civil society organizations.

Read 21 tweets
Warum sollte sich die #Klimaschutz-Bewegung intensiver mit der aktuellen Pro-#Atomkraft-Kampangne befassen und was hat das mit verantwortungsvollem Journalismus in Zeiten der #Klimakrise zu tun? Ein #Thread. (1/x)
Seit dem 2. #Atomausstieg von 2011 ist das Thema Atomkraft in Deutschland durch. So denken viele - selbst die Atomkonzerne - und so habe auch ich lange Zeit gedacht. Der Atom-Drops ist gelutscht. Warum auf die letzten Zuckungen der Pro-Atomkraft-Sekte überhaupt reagieren? (2/x)
Doch abgesehen davon, dass selbst in Deutschland der #Atomausstieg längst noch nicht vollendet ist (s. #Urenco/Lingen/Euratom): Der nuklear-industrielle Komplex hat längst noch nicht aufgegeben. Im Gegenteil. Mit gewaltiger PR-Energie versucht die Atom-Lobby im Windschatten (3/x)
Read 13 tweets
Die #Triell-Moderator:innen ließen #Laschet diesen Unfug durchgehen:
"Fakt ist, seit den 90er Jahren wissen wir von Weltklima-Ereignissen." #Falsch.

Die 1. Weltklimakonferenz fand 1979 statt, aufgrund des Wissens um den #Treibhauseffekt, den Eunice Foote schon 1856 beschrieb.
Ein Jahr zuvor, 1978, demonstrierte Hoimar von Dittfurth im @ZDF mit einem genial-dramatischen Experiment den #Treibhauseffekt.

Die Infrarotaktivität des #CO2 hätte der damals 17-Jährige #Laschet schon verstehen können. #Triell
Die menschengemachte #Erderhitzung wird schon seit den 1940en erforscht. Der Ölkonzern #Exxon hat dazu Studien erstellen lassen, deren Ergebnisse die Umweltorganisation @ExxonKnew publik machte.
#BrannonReport 1957
#RobinsonReport 1968
#Triell #Laschet

Read 5 tweets
The Trust is administered by five Trustees. The purpose of the Trust is to collect, hold and verify #royalties paid into the Trust by the operating companies, German subsidiaries of the #Exxon Mobil Corporation and the Royal Dutch/#Shell Group of Companies
Absurd: Die @NdsLandesReg subventioniert mit drastischer Senkung der Abgabenquote auf #Öl und #Gas-Förderung und 10-jährigen Dumping-Garantieverträgen die #strandedassets der Branche. Und wer zahlt die Zeche? | #ClimateAction in #Niedersachsen | #OiL #EXXON #Shell #NEORT #OOTT Image
Read 10 tweets
Forensic analysis of #oil companies' climate plans by @kellyatrout in new @PriceofOil report:…

Relative to #ParisGoals they are all grossly insufficient on most metrics Image
TL;DR? Check out Kelly's blog:…
STL;DR? #Exxon and #Chevron manage to be grossly insufficient on all 10 metrics.

#BP is the least bad performer, partially aligned on 2 metrics, insufficient on 3, grossly insufficient on 5

#Shell, #Equinor & #Total have biggest gap between their green claims + reality
Read 4 tweets
In 24hrs #HurricaneLaura is going to tear through the worlds second largest petrochemical complex. More than 750K ppl have thankfully evacuated but imagine #Laura's high wind & 10-15ft storm surges striking these.

Haunting @propublica photo essay.… Image
Energy industry prepare for #HurricaneLaura strike by halting operations in Texas/Louisiana coast. "Oil producers...evacuated 310 offshore facilities and shut 1.56 million barrels per day of crude output, 84% of Gulf of Mexico’s offshore production"#Laura… ImageImage
Hurricane #Laura pointed at Port Arthur, home to the largest US gas refinery. Enticed by cheap Fracked gas, worlds chemical companies (Germany's BASF+France'sTotal, S Afr's Sasol...) set up shop there.… Image
Read 17 tweets
2011'de dünyanın en değerli şirketi olan #Exxon, emtia fiyatları nedeniyle Dow Jones'tan çıkarılmış. Yanında #Pfizer ve 4 ay önce giren #Raytheon da paketlenmiş. 30 nüfuslu endekse yeni gelenler:

#Salesforce (yazılım)
#Amgen (biyotek)
#Honeywell (sanayi)…
Fiyata göre ağırlıklandırılan, bu nedenle abuk şirketlerin zaman zaman dut ağacı gibi sallayabildiği... (birim lotunu ucuzlatmak amacıyla) ters bölünerek hisse fiyatı mekanik olarak düşenlerin ise etkilesizleştiği emektar endeksimizde, güncel sıralama şu şekilde: Image
Dow'un da diğer endeksler gibi piyasa değerine göre ağırlıklandırılması... böylece fiyatı $1 de olsa de olsa Apple gibi ağaların etki gücünün artmasını isteyenler mevcut. Fakat antik zamanlardan kalma bir yapıya dokunmaya cesaret edemiyorlar:

Read 4 tweets
Amidst hype&hoopla,big news is,#Reliance,48 hours back,with market capitalization of $189 billion,overtook #Exxon,with market cap of $185.58bn

Reliance added $29bn in just last 14 trading sessions

With market cap of $1.7 trillion, #SaudiAramco is world's most valuable company
Clearly,#Oil will be biggest catalyst in the global economy this year&the next

India is slated to have Current Account Surplus(CAS)of 0.4% of GDP in 2020-21

This will be 1st time in 16 yrs that India will have a surplus-last time we had CAS,was under #Vajpayee

Under inept @INCIndia,our Current Account Deficit(CAD)hit a precarious 4.9% in 2013

In FY18 #CAD was 1.8%

BIG achievement of @narendramodi has been,a strong India in terms of #External finances

Today,we have #ImportCover of 15 months,Vs 6-8 months under UPA
Read 3 tweets
On March 26 2020 the Club of Rome published an open letter: Call to Action from the Planetary Emergency Partnership*: Emerging from the Planetary Emergency and partnering between People and Nature"…
"#Covid19 has shown us that overnight transformational change is possible. A different world, a different economy is suddenly dawning."

The transformational change consists of a multi-pronged global transformation. The finalization of nature (#NewDealForNature) & reboot to #4IR.
First signatories to the open letter include Christiana Figueres, Sandrine Dixson (Co-President of The Club of Rome) Kate Raworth, Johan Rockström (#CI), & Hunter Lovins.

#4IR #SmartCities
Read 27 tweets
My take on the week that was, and what’s next. #OOTT #EFT #shale #OilPrice #crudeoil #OPEC

When oil became waste: a week of turmoil for crude, and more pain to come
So a bit more on this. A lot right now rests on what happens next, both in terms of various economic regions trying to recover a bit and find ways to do a bit more business - and whether that's possible. #OOTT #OPEC
After all it's not often you see a nation like Azerbaijan tell a BP-led consortium that yes, you have to stop producing. Usually the big oil companies are exempt from this sort of thing. #OOTT #OPEC

Not anymore. @dmitryZ_reuters
Read 38 tweets
#WTI #CrudeOil futures for May,expiring tomorrow,tanked 57%,to $7.98 per barrel

June contract,expiring on 19thMay, traded@ $26.62/barrel

July futures,traded@ $28/barrel

And all this,despite #OPEC's decision to cut supply by 9.7 million barrels a day,wef 1st May2020

Normally,spread between #Spot &one month forward contract,is 40-50 cents

This time,spread is $10-12,implying weakness in #crudeoil,will continue

Global demand for #Oil in April 2020,was lower by 29 million barrels per day,Vs April 2019

#COVIDー19&global #lockdown, playing out
Indian #Crude basket is a derived basket of #crudeoil comprising #sourcrude(Dubai&Oman)&sweet crude(Brent)

Indian basket,aligned to #Brent crude,has fallen too,but not as much as #WTI crude

April 2020 #Brent@$20.92 per barrel March $32.01
Feb $55.70
Jan 2020@ $63.83

Read 16 tweets
Why The World Capital Markets Will Not Recover To Their Past Highs


1. Markets work on 2 things. Earnings and anticipation of earnings. Good anticipation begets good results and bad begets bad. Many other things being variable.

2. Another thing that matters as well
is Monetary Policy and Liquidity injection by governments in bad times.

3. American markets being the largest ones in the world lead the way for other markets in most cases. Not all but many. Specially the European markets follow suit of Dow.

4. Chinese markets of late have
Also become interdependent to a major extent because of the globalisation of the past 20 years and American MNC earnings of about $2.7 trillion of imports into China.

5. When the market is in a euphoric state, bulls are in control and bulls at times become exuberant
Read 14 tweets
Analysis: #NYSE $XOM

Case 139 #Exxon Mobil Corporation

DISCLAIMER: The analysis is strictly for educational purposes and should not be construed as an invitation to trade.

Thread 👇👇👇

#XOM 1/4
Chart 1
Monthly Chart: Following on from the close below 67.00 Exxon is now very #bearish and should be heading towards 56.14 - a monthly close below this level will leave price targeting the .....

XOM 2/4
..... vacuum at 51.55 then 45.80-43.80. To the upside #resistances are now very clear beginning from 67.00 all the way to 76.00. The monthly #SMA 20 cut below to SMA 200 at 75.25.

XOM 3/4
Read 4 tweets
Who Is Strangling Solar Panels In The State Of Kentucky?👉 The Canadians? Seriously? An organization with ties to Canadian tar sands oil is apparently behind an aggressive anti-solar lobbying campaign that recently fired up in Kentucky. next😏#KochNetwork…
An organization with ties to Canadian tar sands oil is apparently behind an aggressive anti-solar lobbying campaign that recently fired up in Kentucky.👉 Consumer Energy Alliance #KochNetwork #EXXON see Funding/ bring 🍿…
Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) ALEC/Koch #KochNetwork…
Read 6 tweets
Die #ScientistsForFuture leben im pädagogischen Christentum.[1][2][3] Und im klassenlosen Anthropozän. Dass die Klimaverhältnisse auf Produktionsweisen zurückzuführen sind, würden sie nicht in Abrede stellen. Das Argument, der Klimanotstand sei anthropogen, d.h. menschgemacht,
ist sinnvoll gegen Klimakrisenleugner angebracht. Nun sind die größten Energiestofflieferanten auch die,
[1] .
[2] .
[3] Zumindest ihr getroffener Konsens in der Kommunikation nach Außen.
denen es - denkt frau an #Exxon - seit verlässlicher Datenlage klar sein sollte, dass ihr Kapitalmodell als Rohstofflieferant einem Produktionsmodell entspricht, welches eben nicht der gesamten Gattung Menschheit "gehört". Die Theorie vom Anthropozän, von "dem" Menschen, der
Read 6 tweets

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