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I love Rowan Atkinson the comedian and I believe he learned electrical engineering once, but I feel this erroneous article on EVs dupes the readers of the @guardian and that's starting to become a pattern.

Electric vehicles really emit 3x less CO2.
I didn't do something similar in school once. I actually study this specific topic at the @TUeindhoven. So I do actually dive into the facts.

And debunking nonsense like this from people like Atkinson who think or pretend to know better sometimes feels like a full time job.
Please do look up all my studies and debunks in my pinned thread if you would like more in depth info but in essence it's simple:

EVs use around 4x less energy and that energy can come from electricity that is becoming increasingly low carbon.
Read 19 tweets
1. In the face of a fierce backlash, The Guardian has apologised and removed Martin Rowson's drawing posted on its website as it "did not meet our editorial standards".…
2. This was due to its blatant antisemitism. However it is normal for the white elite left-wing Guardian to attackgroups like Jews and Hindus. After all it has never apologised for using Hinduphobia against @pritipatel knowing cattle are venerated…
3. Until this year when a black researcher employed by the Guardian to look into slavery uncovered the newspaper itself had links to slave trade, they even justified this sordid past…
Read 6 tweets
1. The election of Narendra Modi as the choice for millions in the world’s largest democracy is a bit galling to those whose concept of ‘democratic’ resembles Lenin’s armed force against the elected government of Alexander Kerensky in revolutionary Russia.
2. Yet even before Modi’s election in what proved to be a pivotal moment in Indian democracy the anti-Hindu blood hounds were out in force. Of these Priyamvada Gopal is one the most prominent.
3. Gopal teaches English literature at the University of Cambridge but her true passion is formulating hate speech against Hindu sentiments from the pages of the notorious British anti-Hindu rag, the Guardian on 14 May 2014.
Read 6 tweets
Those of you still laboring under the illusion that Western democracies and their media are "free" need to wake up. Western states decide what can and cannot be talked about - not through forced censorship, but through ownership. (1/n) #ohiotrainderailment #OhioChernobyl A 🧵
The way it works is that politicians are elected via expensive election campaigns requiring huge corporate sponsorship. So they are beholden to big corporates for their survival. The same big corporates own the press. (2/n)
So the big corporates tell politicians (whom they own) what to do and they then tell the press (which they own) to run stories that support the things that the politicians do at their bidding. The system works smoothly and nobody is the wiser. (3/n)
Read 16 tweets
1. vi prego di leggere questo articolo del #Guardian sulla cittadinanza russa a #Snowden e confrontarlo con quello di #Repubblica #AlbertoFloresDArcais (inglese):…
2. chiunque legga #Guardian sa benissimo quanto sia anti-Russia, ebbene leggete come tratta la questione della cittadinanza russa a #Snowden e poi leggete l'articolo di #Repubblica #AlbertoFloresDArcais, per capire in che abisso è sprofondata Repubblica
3. il periodo in cui il nostro paese ha vissuto una fase di raro progresso civile è stato quello in cui sono emersi giornali che mettevano in dubbio le "verità ufficiali" delle istituzioni,degli eserciti,dei servizi segreti
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According to the state-run @BakhtarNA, the #Taliban's Ministry for the Propagation of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice will tomorrow (Saturday, May 7), make an important #decree, about #Hijab ruling, public.
While not released from the official addresses of the IEA yet, the #Taliban's new plan for the implementation of Sharia #Hijab in Afghanistan is a document prepared in two pages and signed by the seven senior officials of the Taliban, including the Minister for the Propagation...
...of Virtue&Prevention of Vice, Chief Justice, Minister of Hajj, Education Minister...
The key contents of the #guideline:
- #Hijab is compulsory on all Muslim women who have reached the age of puberty.
- Any clothing that covers body is Hijab but it should not be transparent...
Read 13 tweets
#war #Kyiv #Ukraine #Russia Collecting all reports thread; Ukraine's operational command says "cruise and ballistic missile strikes are underway at the control centres in Kyiv" from @lukeharding1968 Friends report explosions in #Kyiv, #Odessa #Kharkiv #Mykolaev thread, add info
Targets include airfields and military headquarters, operational command says
"Distant crumps - soft explosions - reported from west Kyiv, towards the airport. Not Cruise missiles, i think, but sounds like an attack on the airport." @JohnSweeney
Read 2780 tweets
1. some recommended readings to defend yourself from those mainstream media which lie us in a new war: #Ukraine:
1. read how US public was lied into the #VietnamWar which cost over 2MILLIONS civilian deaths to Vietnam and 50,000 young American lives:…
2. read how US #SIGINT (signal intelligence= #NSA intercepts) was manipulated to lie US public into the #VietnamWar:…
Read 5 tweets
stesse dinamiche media della guerra #Iraq: per difendervi leggete:
1. questa analisi su come opinione pubblica fu ingannata su #GolfoTonchino per portare Usa nella guerra #Vietnam costata 2MILIONI morti al popolo vietnamita e circa 50MILA giovani americani…
2. quando leggete che USA hanno SIGINT(signal intelligence= intercettazioni #NSA) che prova imminente rischio invasione russa, leggete come fu falsificata SIGINT per portare USA nella guerra #Vietnam:…
3. poi leggete sommario del #ChilcotReport su come fu falsificata intelligence per portare alla guerra #Iraq:…
Read 5 tweets
1/3. In this Thread, meet first:

The #Crumbling #Empire's #MASTER #Guardian
of its Military Industrial Complex:
- Frederick, Boss of The #Atlantic #Council -
(go 👇 on)
2/3. Meet secondly:

The Mouth of #NATO:
- Jens, Secretary General -
(go 👇 on)
3/3. 🎺#WARNING🥁:

The #Crumbling #Empire's MASTER #Guardian
of its Military Industrial Complex,
in a Warmongering Propaganda-Video,
tells The Mouth of #NATO, Jens,
to be more #Violent:

via @YouTube
Read 4 tweets

1. Holy Guardian Angel, you were given to me at the beginning of my life as a protector and companion. Poor sinner that I am, I, (name) want to consecrate myself to you today in the presence of
#guardianangels #Guardian #UK
2. my Lord and God, Mary, my Celestial Mother, and all the angels and saints.
I want to unite myself to you today and never more be separated from you.

United intimately with you
3. I promise to be faithful and obedient to my Lord and God and the holy Church.
I promise to always proclaim Mary as my Queen and Mother and to make her life be a model for mine.

I promise to proclaim my faith in you, my holy protector, and zealously
Read 5 tweets
This screenshot of today's #Guardian shows headlines & pictures using 6 frames about the environment which suppress radical action. Can you spot them?
@rustyrockets @ClareTotty @peterreason @jongosling @jasonhickel @frucool…
Framing 1: that the environmental crisis is about our children's future. Yes, it is. But the implicit message of focusing on that is that the environmental crisis is not about people's damaged and disrupted present.
Framing 2: that there is time to fix the environment rather than us already being in a situation of disaster management, where there is a lot to do urgently, but which won't fix the situation - just give us more of a chance to be reducing potential impacts.
Read 7 tweets
1/Η απομάκρυνση του Διευθυντη της #ΓΔΑΕΕ Θ.Λαγιο έγινε με ιδιαίτερα παρασκηνιακό τρόπο. Τις προηγούμενες μέρες κυκλοφορησε non paper που του καταλογιζε ευθυνες για ολιγωρία στην προμήθεια των μτχ ASV #Μ1117 #Guardian ενω φεροταν να έχει κοντα με κυβερνητικους κυκλους στο Μαξίμου.
2/Τα δημοσιευματα συνεχίστηκαν και ενω δεν ειχε γίνει επίσημη ανακοινωση "τον παραίτησαν" . Ο ιδιος διέψευσε την παραίτηση για να αποκαλυφθει μετά από λιγη ώρα ότι "απομακρυνεται" απο τη θέση του και μεταβαίνει σε θέση Συνδέσμου ΥΠΕΘΑ στον οργανισμο συνεργασίας #PESCO
3/Η αντικατάσταση του Διευθυντή της #ΓΔΑΕΕ ενα μολις μηνα πριν την ανακοινωση του νικητη του μεγαλύτερου εξοπλιστικου προγραμματος στην ιστορία των #ΕΕΔ που είναι το πρόγραμμα #φρεγατων αξίας 4.5 δις Ευρω μονο ερωτηματα προξενει για το "αδιαβλητο" της διαδικασίας
Read 6 tweets
#USA is a free democracy, #India is a "partly free" democracy
#FOE Japan is a free democracy, India is a partly free democracy: Compare the ratio of critical/unfavorable articles, to favorable articles, in the top 3 news sources in Japan & India respectively, to find which press is freer! #SciMe 1st data, 2nd Analysis, 3rd Policy/views!🧐🤔
3/demo #Majoritarianism & freedom: Compare treatment of minorities in USA(non-christian), Japan(Korean etc) & India (Muslims): In particular plot over 70yrs th % of minority pop on same graph & compare decadal changes[summarizes it's discrimination(in cntry) & opportunities(ROW)]
Read 93 tweets
⚠️#Uncontacted tribe in danger ⚠️

On the Brazil-Peru border, a group of indig ppl have approached a Manchineri village, in the Mamoadate Indig Territory in BR. The Manchineri say the group are members of the uncontacted Mashco Piro tribe.

🏹 Take action:…
As in many such cases, it could be that the #uncontacted Indians are fleeing the pressure of invaders on their land.

"Something must be happening for them to get so close to the 🇧🇷Brazilian side, because in Peru, when [invaders] come across uncontacted Indians, they shoot"

☝️ José Carlos Meirelles, a government agent who specializes in protecting the lands of #UncontactedTribes.
Read 7 tweets
Nasdaq spreading conspiracy theories.


Nasdaq: #2 on list of stock exchanges behind NYSE.

#GreatReset: not a figment of our imagination. Rather, it's the 21st cent. imperative of billionaires to save capitalism.

#Imperative21: 72,000 corporations across 80 countries. 150 different industries.

"An unprecedented coalition of business networks that have come together to raise our ambition. Not just to help our individual CEOs succeed... we'll do that for sure..."

Softening push-back w/ marketing/framing/language. #SocialEngineering

"So that the push-back on the BRT [Business Roundtable] from differ. business publications or other people within the [] community lessens. So there's less of a headwind culturally for this type of leadership"
Read 13 tweets
1. to those objecting that #CambridgeAnalytica scandal revealed by @carolecadwalla is real: I do NOT claim to know the truth about it. As a journalist, I just stick to the facts emerged so far. Let me clarify those facts:
2. while #Cadwalladr-
#Guardian depicted #Assange involved in the #CambridgeAnalytica (CA) scandal,#WashPost revealed #WikiLeaks met CA's #BrittanyKaiser to tell her: leak us all your docs and #WikiLeaks will publish everything[ARCHIVE]:…
3. now, if #CambridgeAnalytica's #BrittanyKaiser and Julian #Assange were actually involved in a conspiracy, as #Cadwalladr-#Guardian claimed, do you think #WikiLeaks would have asked her for all her documents and publish all of them? Absurd
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1. rispondo collettivamente a chi mi obietta: #CaroleCadwalladr si sta scusando solo perché non può permettersi spese legali querela: scandalo #CambridgeAnalytica è vero. Io non so se è così, io so che in questo ultimo anno è successo questo:
2. nell'ultimo anno è successo:
a)#WashPost ha rivelato che #WikiLeaks andò da #BrittanyKaiser #CambridgeAnalytica e disse:dacci i documenti che hai e noi pubblicheremo TUTTO: Secondo voi, se #WikiLeaks in combutta con #BrittanyKaiser,come scritto da #Guardian,pubblicava tutto?
3. a) non dovete credermi sulla parola, ecco l'articolo del #WashPost,leggete:…
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1. ieri sono rimasta senza parole: ricordate #CaroleCadwalladr, la giornalista che su #Guardian ha pubblicato tanti articoli su #CambridgeAnalytica-#Brexit-#Farage-Julian #Assange come parte di un'operazione influenza che porta #Russia? Ha chiesto scusa :
2. sono senza parole: articoli di #CaroleCadwalladr sono stati pubblicati con #NYTimes,ha vinto grandi premi come: #OrwellPrize e #StiegLarssonPrize.Ha contribuito distruggere reputazione Julian #Assange in tutto il mondo. Abbiamo diritto sapere cosa è vero cosa no
3. non è possibile che giornali di grande prestigio come #Guardian(di immenso impatto),premi giornalistici di grande prestigio come #OrwellPrize e #StiegLarssonPrize lascino cadere la cosa: vogliamo sapere la verità
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vi avevo anticipato di un'azione senza precedenti delle autorità inglesi nel mio #FOIA su #WikiLeaks, in particolare su 3attuali/ex giornalisti #SarahHarrison,@khrafnsson e @SwaziJAF: ora vedo che il #Guardian ha rivelato cosa sta succedendo(inglese):…
le autorità inglesi stanno cercando di impedirmi di appellare decisione #FOIA dopo che miei avvocati @estelledehon e @suigenerisjen e io abbiamo vinto in Tribunale contro #ScotlandYard. E' un tentativo senza precedenti
in pratica #ScotlandYard ha perso la causa in #Tribunale,prima ha invocato #sicurezzaNazionale contro mio #FOIA,poi visto che avevo soldi per combatterli in Tribunale,invocano il fatto che da italiana non ho diritto di appellare,sebbene abbia fatto già 3 appelli in UK
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1. Julian #Assange extradition hearing. Day 2: US lawyer Clive Stafford Smith, founder of @reprieve, called to testify by the JA defence confirms how #WikiLeaks documents have allowed investigations on serious human Rights violations
2. US lawyer, Clive Stafford Smith, founder of @Reprieve, called to testify by JA’s defence confirms how #WikiLeaks #Guantanamo files (#GitmoFiles) supported his work on Guantanamo
3. Clive Stafford Smith,founder of @Reprieve: shocked by what my government did, tortures like those by the Spanish Inquisition: strappado
Read 39 tweets
#RareDiseases are not rare. One example is Hyper-IgD Syndrome, an #autoinflammatory / #PrimaryImmunodeficiency disease. Wonderful collaboration extending over 5 years between Kozhikode Medical College, CMC Vellore and CSIR-IGIB as part of the #GUaRDIAN… Image
Our #genomic analysis suggests that a few variants account for the majority of the patients with HIDS in South #India with implications in #diagnosis, as well as in the development of cost-effective approaches for #genetic #diagnosis and #screening

@Primary_Immune @MoHFW_INDIA
Read 3 tweets
1. I just finished reading the chapter on #WikiLeaks (59 pages) contained in the #SenateIntelligenceCommittee's Report on "Russian Active Measures Campaigns and Interference in the 2016 US Election"…
2. the description of #WikiLeaks' publishing activities by this #SenateIntelligenceCommittee's Report appears a true #EdgarHoover's disinformation campaign to make a legitimate media org completely radioactive
3. Clearly, to describe #WikiLeaks and its publishing activities the #SenateIntelligenceCommittee's Report completely rely on #US intelligence community+ #MikePompeo's characterisation of #WikiLeaks. There is not even any pretense of an independent approach
Read 13 tweets
This vile post was made by @MonaChalabi - who actually works for the #Guardian. She posted it on both #Twitter and #Instagram. A more abusive post you will rarely see. I want you to look closely at the first two maps.... 1/5
The first map points out where Jews live. Only Jews. It doesn't worry about whether they are immigrants it not. Nor does it point out non-Jewish immigrants or other non Arab populations. To be marked on this map you must be Jewish. Unmarked areas are 'Judenrein'. 2/5
The map also suggests that where Jews don't live is 'Palestinian land' even though most was unpopulated. Can you imagine a map of the UK marked only with towns that have large black communities - with the rest of the UK called 'British land' - it really is Nazi stuff. 3/5
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