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The recent attention in the media to the pressing issue of #DocumentedDreamers gives us an opportunity to take a bigger view of immigration issues. The issue of kids aging-out is an unintended though not unforeseeable consequence of massive #GCBacklogs.🧵 👇 1/9
Fundamentally, this is a demand-supply and allocation issue. The number of #GC annually given out has not changed meaningfully since 1990. Meanwhile the US economy and labor market today are completely different from back then. 2/9
On top of this supply issue of #GC is the fact that their allocation is not equitable. How long you wait in line, usually boils down to the country you were born in. Not on skills, education, work experience, duration of stay in the US or contribution to the economy. 3/9
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People want a correction in us indices so badly, that they seem certain that China ==> USA contagion is a certainty.

Which probably means contagion is not in cards.

But corrective action would be unsurprising.
“I want a correction therefore contagion is inevitable”

Not how it works, friends…
On China, key questions 4 me:

- are non Chinese cos w/ significant ops in China as vulnerable to regs as Chinese cos have been so far?

- at what point do policymakers consider that recent domestic regulatory agenda may harm other priorities, e.g. financial market development?
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🗣Today we’re gathered at Black Lives Matter Plaza, alongside thousands, READY to march and make our demands heard. @POTUS immigrant families are counting on you! #Citizenship4All
🦋 Today, we fight to ensure that the Biden administration keep the promises made to immigrants at the start of these 100 days. Where are you on this historic day?! Join us in DC! #MayDay #ImmigrantWorkersAreEssential
📢📢📢 @POTUS and Congress, can you hear us from Freedom Plaza? We come in thousands to remind you that immigrant workers are essential and deserve a path to citizenship NOW! #WeAreHome #ImmigrantJustice
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Arguments linking per-country caps to maintaining diversity in America are used repeatedly. They came up yet again during the house judiciary committee hearing on 04/28, so we wanted to take some time to address it. 1/12
The thing being considered right now, is the removal of per-country caps in EB immigration. The caps apply to immigrants in this category who are ALREADY in the US and have been awaiting their turn for a green card for years! 2/12
Eliminating these per-country caps wouldn't let in any more EB immigrants into the US annually than right now. It would just make it make everyone stand in the SAME LINE for them, irrespective of their country of birth. 3/12
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@ReverendWarnock asks what’s so wrong with a little peace, love and understanding? He wants to bring his message and his mission to make #GA and the United States, the place they could be...the place democracy shines like no other. Consider working with him..#SenateRunoff
@ossoff Jon Ossoff believes that we are a stronger as a country when we work together to solve our problems such as #COVID19 #healthcare #climatechange #immigrationreform #Racism #infrastructure #StudentDebtCrisis We’ve got to roll up our sleeves and help him! #SenateRunoff
“Loeffler, a former asset management executive, may well now have joined the "frenzy" of Wall Street money managers who leapt at a loophole in President Trump's 2017 tax bill that turns private jets into flying tax shelters.” #SenateRunoff #VoteRevRaphaelWARNOCK
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This is the #DemPartyPlatform for 2020. This part is called: CREATING A 21ST CENTURY IMMIGRATION SYSTEM
Only one party understands that Immigrants make America stronger. Not only do immigrants support us—immigrants are us. 1/17
#Democrats believe we should expand, not reduce, the annual visa cap for victims of human trafficking, including victims of sex trafficking, violence against women and children, and other heinous crimes; 2/17 #DemPartyPlatform #ImmigrationReform #StopHumanTrafficking
#Democrats will ensure that same sex-couples and their children receive equal treatment in the immigration and naturalization systems; reaffirm America’s commitment to family-based immigration; 3/17
#DemPartyPlatform #ImmigrationReform #LGBTQIA
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This is the #DemPartyPlatform for 2020. This part is called: CREATING A 21ST CENTURY IMMIGRATION SYSTEM
Only one party understands that Immigrants make America stronger. Not only do immigrants support us—immigrants are us. The other party leaves a legacy of cruelty. 1/19
#Democrats will support legislation to ensure that no president can enact discriminatory bans ever again. 2/19 #DemPartyPlatform #immigrationreform
#Democrats will reinstate, expand, and streamline protections for #Dreamers and the parents of American citizen children to keep families together in the communities they have long called home.
3/19 #DemPartyPlatform #immigrationreform #DACA
Read 19 tweets
This is the #DemPartyPlatform for 2020.This part is called: CREATING A 21ST CENTURY IMMIGRATION SYSTEM
Only one party understands that Immigrants make America stronger. Not only do immigrants support us-immigrants are us. The other party leaves a legacy of cruelty to immigrants.
Out of many, we are one. That bedrock American idea has animated our country from its earliest days, inspiring people from every corner of the earth to participate in our great democratic experiment. 2/17
#DemPartyPlatform #Immigration
The Trump Administration has repudiated that idea and abandoned our values as a diverse, compassionate, and welcoming country. 3/17
#DemPartyPlatform #immigrationreform
Read 17 tweets
I want to elaborate on my comment shooting down these ideas. It's hard to do it without a thread. The problem with these ideas is that they're essentially all or nothing ideas. And while those often sound good in theory, they're usually disastrous in practice. I'll explain why.
First, decriminalizing the border is bad policy. We can amend the law to prevent the prosecution of asylum seekers, stop family separation, and prohibit putting kids in cages. The problem with blanket decriminalization is that it'll create a free for all at the border.
Without any criminal law, we either have to wait for a person to commit a crime here or use the civil process. The problem with the civil process is that a noncitizen can voluntarily deport and then cross over again with no consequences. They go through the same process again.
Read 11 tweets
We're a few minutes away from the start of our 2020 MWEG (virtual) conference! It's not too late to join! Be sure to follow along here, on Facebook, and on Instagram for thoughts from our presenters and members. Share yours using the hashtag #MWEGconf!
Kara North, #MWEGconf director: We hope you will find refuge and solace from some of the heartache you’re feeling. The work of MWEG and the work of the sisters w/in our organization & w/in our communities is needed & will be needed especially after this experience, going forward.
Our conference takes its theme from the famous line Laurel Thatcher Ulrich penned: "Well-behaved women seldom make history." We're thrilled to have this writer, scholar, teacher, quilter, sister, saint, and friend as our keynote speaker. #mwegconf
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RECKLESSNESS that warrants a quick thread: Customs and border patrol (CBP) will not allow flu immunizations at immigrant detention camps...not even when PRIVATE individuals offer to provide them at no cost to the government. 1/…
The flu is a dangerous virus that can be controlled with annual immunization. In the winter of 2017-18, the flu and its complications killed 80,000 Americans. The CDC is adamant about the need to immunize children seeking asylum against the flu. 2/…
ALSO, medical exams are generally mandatory for all refugees coming into the country and all applicants outside the U.S. applying for an immigrant visa. The U.S. can turn individuals lack of proof of vaccinations. That includes people with the flu. 3/ #immigration #FluSeason
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Birthright citizenship

I believe that the country needs to suspend or withdraw birthright citizenship until the illegal immigration situation normalizes to historical metrics.
The founding fathers never envisioned a situation where over 25% of Federal arrests annually would be arrests of people in the country illegally.
More people want to immigrate to the US than any country. More people want to come to the US than the government or people choose to afford. This forces limits to numbers of immigrants.
Read 16 tweets
We condemn the regulation announced by the Trump administration that would abolish the 20-day limit on holding #families in jails. Families are sacred and all #children deserve to be cherished and protected. Official statement: #mweg
In the American Academy of Pediatric’s report detailing the lifelong and harmful effects of #detentioncenters on #immigrant children, researchers wrote, “There is no evidence indicating that any time in detention is safe for children.”… #AAP
The Department of Homeland Security Advisory Committee on Family Residential Centers recommends that #immigration enforcement practices presume detention to be neither appropriate nor necessary, and never in a child’s best interest.… #DHS #ICE #DHHS
Read 4 tweets
Trumpublican #Irvine Mayor Shea @SHEAonIrvine, showed her true Trump-affiliated colors, opposing and voting no on the following resolutions at Annual United States Conference of Mayors in June of 2019. #CA45

Anti-Climate Change Action:

Against: Support of a National Price on Carbon Emissions

#Irvine Mayor Shea @SHEAonIrvine was one of only 7 no votes out of 226 mayors #ClimateCrisis #priceoncarbon #CA45

Anti-Climate Change Action:

Against: Supporting a #GreenNewDeal

#Irvine Mayor Shea @SHEAonIrvine was one of only 7 no votes out of 226 mayors #CA45 #ClimateChange

Read 13 tweets
.@PeteButtigieg's quotes from the debate, a long thread. Divided into differently lengthened segments for your reading delight. #DemDebates #DemDebate2 #TeamPete
"I'm running for president because our country is running out of time. It is even bigger than the emergency of the Trump presidency. Ask yourself how somebody like Donald Trump ever gets within cheating distance of the Oval Office in the first place. 1/5
"It doesn't happen unless America is already in a crisis -- an economy that's not working for everyone, endless war, climate change. We have lived this in my industrial Midwestern hometown. My generation has lived this as long as we have been alive. 2/5
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🔴 PREMIERE at 7pm ET:

“This President, my boss…I believe he will go down in history as having done more for all Americans, but especially for those with the least among us…”

@WhiteHouse innovation chief Brooke Rollins on American Thought Leaders 🇺🇸
@WhiteHouse 🔴LIVE:

“This President is a disruptor. He is not interested in what the lobby thinks…He has a very deep instinct on what is right…I think that's why…the voters fell in love”

@WhiteHouse innovation chief Brooke Rollins on American Thought Leaders🇺🇸
@WhiteHouse #ImmigrationReform: “Instead of saying…what's the next layer of paint look like? We decided to take all the paint off and just start from scratch...I don't think any other president...would be willing to take that risk.”

Brooke Rollins on ATL 🇺🇸| Watch:
Read 5 tweets
At Border Patrol facility in El Paso,an agent told a Honduran family 1 parent to be sent to Mexico,other parent and 3 kids could stay in the U.S., The agent told 3-year-old Sofia to choose. Sofia has a bad heart.
#ImmigrationReform #CrimesAgainstHumanity…
"The agent asked her who she wanted to go with, mom or dad," her mom told NPR through interpreter. "And the girl, because she is more attached to me, she said mom. But when they started to take [my husband] away, the girl started to cry. The officer said, 'You said with mom.' "
They are part of a Trump administration program called Migrant Protection Protocols — also known as "remain in Mexico" — which requires thousands of Central American migrants to wait in dangerous cities in northern Mexico while their immigration cases are handled by U.S. courts.
Read 14 tweets
"The president began by joking to his Cabinet members about all the cameras and told one 'it helps to have a good head of hair,' according to print pool reporter @BennettJohnT.
#Germany called, according to @POTUS to talk about a “big” development with a “certain” model car. He did not elaborate, according to @BennettJohnT pool report from the Cabinet room.
#Mexico government has been “fantastic” at slowing migrant flows, @POTUS tells Cabinet.
Read 21 tweets
While we try to wrap our minds around all the crimes described in the #MuellerReport and how they can’t be “proved” we have to wonder what the millions of “guests” of #IncarcerationNation think and feel right now..
The American criminal justice system holds 2.3M people in 1,719 state prisons, 109 federal prisons, 1,772 juvenile facilities, 3,163 local jails, 80 Indian Country jails,military prisons, immigration detention,civil commitment centers, state psychiatric hospitals./2
Every year over 600,000 enter prison gates but people go to jail 10.6M X each year.Jail churn is particularly high as most ppl in jails haven’t been convicted. Some will make bail within hours or days while many others are too poor to make bail &remain behind bars until trial./3
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🗳1. No one ever talks about DAPA?
While Democrats can cry all day about the “humanity” of immigration, DREAMERS and keeping families together the truth is, it’s ALL ABOUT GETTING VOTES and this 2015 report by CAP had zero shame in admitting just that.
2. According to the report (keep in mind this is totally separate from DACA) they wanted to zero in on how many voters they’d get from pushing it. In the 42 pages there’s no mention of quality of life because they don’t actually care. 3.7 future voters qualified for DAPA.
3. They zeroed in on the citizens that lived with undocumented which was 6.3 million, meaning 6.3 million anchor babies, that’s right because they’re parents aren’t legal but they are. What were they obsessed with? It meant 6.2 mil delicious voters by 2032 (this is 4 years ago)
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It's easy to celebrate those on the front lines. Those willing and able to speak in front of hundreds, sometimes thousands. Those capable gitterdone types. We applaud and support their work always, don’t we?
We also must celebrate those in the back. The people who have anxieties or time constraints that keep them from being the “leader.” They are quietly calling Congress, having tough conversations with friends and family, addressing local Dem issues.
They are writing #PostcardsToVoters, often alone, spending their own cash to support elections in locations far from their home. They may not be organizing or giving speeches, but they are just as important, just as inspiring.
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President #Trump’s declaration is an alarming and legally dubious attempt to sidestep the constitutional authority granted to Congress, the co-equal branch of government where debates on immigration reform and #bordersecurity are held in the light of day.… Statement on President Trum...
There was a time when Republicans and Democrats sat at the table to discuss comprehensive #immigrationreform. Those discussions have given way to unilateral and reprehensible actions that separate families, imprison children and launch tear-gas at exhausted mothers and families.
This declaration doesn’t do a single thing to make our nation safer. All it does is further divide Americans, erode our system of checks and balances and advance the president’s agenda of fear and misinformation. We should all be outraged by this president’s abuse of power.
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Fact: Immigrants commit LESS crime than native-born Americans.

Other than Native Americans, we are ALL immigrants. Immigrants help make America great!🇺🇸💙

#SOTU #ImmigrationReform
From this CATO Institute report (not a liberal group): “As a % of their respective populations, there were 56% fewer criminal convictions of illegal immigrants than of native-born Americans...The criminal conviction rate for legal immigrants was ~85% below the native-born rate."
Link to more details debunking the right-wing smear of immigrants:…
Read 3 tweets
#Trump appeared before the American people tonight asking everyone to ‘choose greatness.

He should take his own advice. Over the past two years he’s chosen nothing but division and derision, pursuing policies that stoke fear in communities and families across the nation. #SOTU Inslee response to the Stat...
The president governs from crisis to crisis, imperils our nation’s standing in the world, endangers our future by denying the threats of climate change and sells out working people in favor of wealthy special interests. #SOTU2019 #SOTU…
Our country deserves better from its leaders. The president’s words tonight ring hollow. If the president really wants to promote a strong union, he will stop vilifying our free press and individuals who dare to disagree with him. He will take bold action to fight #climatechange.
Read 5 tweets

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