Discover and read the best of Twitter Threads about #ATM

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Fermata #Atm di Corso Sempione di fronte alla #Rai
La storia del #tampone del bambino diventa un pretesto ridicolo per mettere dei cartelli ovunque da parte del #ComitatoAscoltami #novax
"Ferma la farsa dei tamponi"
"Migliaia di reazioni avverse, morti...ecc" 1/4 ImageImage
Come vi ho dimostrato non esiste alcuna emergenza
Solo meno di 70 richieste, queste bugie devono essere perseguite penalmente perché creano allarme .
Sono NUMERI inventati.
La stessa fondatrice del gruppo in un convegno parlava di 1800 danneggiati da #vaccino 2/4 ImageImage
Al convegno di qualche mese fa c'era la "summa del disagio #novax": e chi spalleggiava queste panzane? Mario Giordano e la Canè (quella dei dossier #AiFA e delle autopsie negate sbugiardate in 5 secondi).
Un sistema che si autoalimenta di bugie. 3/4 ImageImage
Read 6 tweets
Richard...sorry but I disagree on that. Deposit insurance is the most worthy and LESS costly of banking supervisory features, but it needs to have a maximum, and I will tell you why. (/) @INArteCarloDoss @Banqkys @MarketElf @GrayConnolly @jeuasommenulle @AlessandroPonz4
Deposit insurance is there to avoid runs on banks, where depositors all want to cash in all at once. But the key word is "cash", i.e. the number each of us sees at the #ATM machine or on the bank site as his own cash balance. However that's not cash. (/)
I have seen grandiose public plans about financial education, and deposit insurance is an ex post measure.. non one vaccinated citizens by telling them the truth: "when you deposit cash at a bank, you are LENDING them the money (which ceases to be yours). The bank invests it."(/)
Read 14 tweets
Herkese tekrardan günaydın 🤗Dün atmış olduğum likit haritasında yer alan ikinci senaryomuz gerçekleşti ve uzun zamandan beri biriken #long pozisyonlar likit edildi 🤷

Dün yine shortlarında yukarıda biriktiğini belki oraya doğru bir fiyat hareketi olabileceğinden bahsetmiştim.Ama #Binance tarafından 2.5 milyar dolarlık market sell geldi 🤷(ALT bknz) Taker sell volume, belirli bir süre boyunca gerçekleştiri
Aşağıda yer alan fotoda #binance tarafından gelen satışı daha net görebiliyoruz.Düşüş öncesi hem spot hemde türev borsalarındaki #btc rezervi artıyor (en alt mor ve sarı) 1-3-6-12 aylık ve 5 yıllık bitcoin hesapları satışta etkili olan taraf.
Read 14 tweets
Herkese günaydın 🤗#Bitcoin tarafında dün bahsettiğimiz 23.500k yer alan #short pozisyonlarına doğru bir hareket oldu ve o seviye temizlendi 🤷#btc teknik tarafta ise hem kısa hemde orta vadede "AL" yönlü sinyaller görüyoruz (Uzun vade "SAT" yönlü)
Elliott Dalgamız "B" bölgesine doğru hareket etmeye devam ediyor."B" dalgasının denk geldiği seviye 23.900k ve ay kapanışımızı 23.130 seviyesinde yaptık (ALT bknz)
+++🧵 Elliott Dalgası, finansal piyasalarda teknik analiz yöntem
Ay kapanışından sonra uzun #bitcoin tarafında bacaklı bir #doji belirdi.Buna biz kararsızlık dojisi diyebiliriz.Yani yön tayin etmek zor (hem boğalar hem ayılar baskın)
bu arkadaşımız açıklamış (ALT bknz)
+++🧵 Belirsizlik Dojisi, Japon şamdan grafiklerinde kullanılan
Read 15 tweets
#LongCovid comienza en el cerebro. Nuestra BBB* rota nos lleva a no poder regular el flujo sanguíneo cerebral en respuesta a la gravedad. Esto conduce a una sobremarcha #simpática, que es un mecanismo compensatorio y conduce a un #barorreflejo embotado y una falla de precarga. 2) Image
2) El cuerpo responde aumentando la frecuencia cardíaca o aumentando la presión arterial, específicamente la PA diastólica, para que la sangre regrese al cerebro. La barrera intestinal tb se rompe junto con la disfunción autonómica del tracto GI junto con cambios en el microbioma
3) El SI está desregulado, y provoca la producción de una variedad de autoanticuerpos, incluido GPCR AAB. Las glándulas sudoríparas se ven afectadas. El cuerpo parece estar en constante disfunción autonómica que,provoca desregulación inmunitaria continua.
Read 45 tweets
1- Hilo🧵activación de #FullRBF en Bitcoin Core 24.0. Es exagerado decir que, el debate por la activación de la versión 24.0 es similar a la guerra de bloques del 2017 con segwit; pero junto con el #BIP119 (covenants) propuesto por #JeremyRubin, ha generado buen debate en #BTC
2 - Hay algunos términos importantes que tomar en cuenta para considerar el impacto y el debate.
CERO-CONFIRMACIONES: significa que se acepta una transacción de #Bitcoin incluso antes de que los mineros la hayan INCLUIDO en un bloque, por lo tanto es una TX NO confirmada.
3- Otro termino importante es: RBF (Replace By Fee). Significa que #Bitcoin te permitía poder reemplazar el FEE (por uno más alto) que se paga a los mineros de TX (on-chain) que cumplieran #ciertas condiciones.
Read 31 tweets
Le marché des ATM crypto devrait croître de 60 % d'ici 2030, dépassant les 5 milliards $

Sur la base des résultats de la recherche, le bear market pourrait ne pas avoir d'impact à long terme sur le secteur.

#bitcoin #btc #crypto #ATM Image
C'est ce que prédit une étude récente.
L'expansion attendue a été attribuée par les chercheurs à une augmentation de la utilisation de la crypto pour les paiements de détail.
L'Amérique du Nord devrait ouvrir la voie, suivie de l'Europe et de l'Asie-Pacifique. Ailleurs, l'Amérique latine, le Moyen-Orient et l'Afrique devraient représenter la plus petite part des ATM crypto.
Read 4 tweets

« Si je devais entrer [dans un conflit de haute intensité au cours duquel] j'aurais à réparer de nombreux navires [...] Je n'ai pas assez de cales sèches, et je n'ai pas assez de chantiers navals ».

Amiral Daryl Caudle
Commander, US Fleet Forces Command (#USFFC)
➡️ L'Amiral Daryl Caudle (commandant #USFFC) s'exprimait (…) le 12 janvier 2022. Un Government Accountability Report d'août 2020 - comme d'autres - constatait les étalements dans le temps des arrêts techniques quand ils n'étaient pas repoussés.
➡️ L'Amiral Daryl Caudle (#USFFC) prend la responsabilité de sortir le sujet : dans une perspective correspondant aux choix stratégiques de l' #USN depuis 2015 : plutôt que le « force-level goal », l'USN se bat pour une capacité de combat effective.

Stratégie navale pure.
Read 15 tweets
.@IooP_rM311_7211, The #ATM Skate Video is one of my all time Favorites—#LOVERs of The Animals …

🐻 🦄 🐿 🧜‍♀️
They sure did come outa the WOODWORKS for the ATM …😅

You seeing all the directions fingers are being pointed on who to blame? Hard to believe Image
How many are still Falling for all of it …

Bait has been taken, Role #Call—Closing Act ..

#Fireworks ImageImage
#HaveANiceDay … ❤️ Image
Read 11 tweets
🇮🇹 Rocco Siffredi e Marika Milani su e giù per l'Italia scambista con Benny Green
1️⃣ Benny e Marika si presentano, Rocco le accoglie
🇮🇹 Rocco Siffredi e Marika Milani su e giù per l'Italia scambista con Benny Green
2️⃣ E adesso spogliati come sai fare tu
🇮🇹 Rocco Siffredi e Marika Milani su e giù per l'Italia scambista con Benny Green
3️⃣ Rocco degusta i culetti e le patate di @MarikaMilani193 e @benedettadanna3
Read 37 tweets
My BLOODLINE Lives On & If future wife is alright with having A baseball team of children, so am I ..

Ok, now I have to get go for A bit, gotta get some stuff done & hang with the babies for A bit. I don't have anything "Cool" to say to fit in with the cool peeps ATM ...
#ATM Skateboards
Read 6 tweets
Frustrating to see @Afritin_Mining trade underwater, ~5.2p average.

Tin pushing to record highs again, yet #ATM flounders 25% below the recent £13m placing at 6.0p.

Phase 1 Expansion at the Uis Mine in Namibia completes mid next year. This will be transformational for ATM.

At the current tin price ⬆️, Uis running at nameplate capacity of 1,200 tpa (post ongoing expansion works) would be generating circa £26m EBITDA on circa £36m revs.

The pilot tantalum plant to come online in next few months will provide incremental revs (although at this... 2/6
...stage, unknown), which could grow considerably. Lithium oxide should also come online at Uis Phase 1 - perhaps later next year.

At the current tin price, the expanded Uis Phase 1 (without Ta or Li credits) will have an NPV of $70m to $80m, v. #ATM's current EV of $61m.

Read 6 tweets
Why the RBI is penalizing banks if their #ATM runs out of cash.

A thread 🧵(1/11)
How many times have you found your nearest ATM out of cash?

Multiple times, perhaps? Well, it looks like the RBI heard you. (2/11)
In a recent notification to banks, the RBI essentially said-- "Look, issuing currency notes is our thing. But getting that money out to the public through the massive network of ATMs is on you guys..." (3/11)
Read 11 tweets
15.04.20 Emisyon = 199,3 milyar TL

Hızlı artışın olası nedenlerini:
a) İnsanların evde kalması
b) Banknotların virüs nedeniyle bekletilerek kullanılması
c) Kimilerinin ekonomik kriz algısı
olarak saymıştık.

Yaygın bir algı var, ona bakalım: Banknotlar = #karşılıksız para mıdır? Image
15.08.71'de Nixon'ın #altın penceresini beyzbol sopasıyla kırdığı günden beri dünyanın bütün paraları karşılıksız. Buna itiraz yok. "Fiat para" denen olguyu bilmeyen finans-sever kalmadı. Buradaki konu o değil: "Karşılıksız para basılıyor!" cümlesinde asıl kasıt = helikopter para
Başka deyişle: #hibe para. Karşılığında emek veya varlık verilmeden, KREDİ ilişkisi kurulmadan, faizsiz, sonsuz hak devri. Basit örnekle inceleyelim:

Bordrolu bir çalışansınız. Maaş şükür ki hesaba yattı. Gittiniz ATM'den 200TL çektiniz. Hesabınızdaki kaydî para da 200 TL düştü.
Read 15 tweets
01 [thread #coronavirus] Le amministrazioni locali attaccano la cittadinanza sui media per sdoganare l'accesso disinvolto ai dati personali. Come? L'esempio di #RegioneLombardia e del Comune di #Milano.
02 I dati telefonici dei lombardi sono stati collezionati e anonimizzati per paragonare gli spostamenti di un mese fa e quelli attuali. Il calo del 60% delle persone che si spostano di cella (centinaia di metri) viene salutato polemicamente dalla Regione…
03 I media fanno eco acritico, oggi @puntotweet si domanda "i motivi che spingono tale massa di persone a ignorare le raccomandazioni, esponendo se stessi e gli altri" ma i dati non dicono questo. Sarà capitato anche a voi #iorestoacasa di dover fare una spesa o andare al #lavoro
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Putting 12 stage roadmap to cashless economy presented in mid 2015 in #ThanjavurKalvettu
More, this one on #FASTag . In 2015, FASTag + EWB integration was 'imagined'. I will leave it to you on who is ruling the country.

As for their execution skills, we all no better now.
This is awesome. VoterID linking with #Aadhaar was too imagined in the book
Read 18 tweets
#Straddles vs #Strangles ( Sell only )

These are the most common #Options strategies when one would start with #OptionsTrading.

Let’s understand from a broader perspective what’s the difference between these two.
Would not like to discuss the construction difference between them if you don’t know stop trading #options


You get higher premium so pnl would be higher compared to #strangles

But from where are you getting higher premiums is that your selling 0.5 #delta.
So probability of one going wrong is always 50% so to simply put one side is goin to get stuck in a #straddle but then market tends to #flucuate a lot so there is always the case of #meanreversion if you have selected the #strike rightly.
Read 14 tweets
It's 3 am when I'm typing this. A man just flashed me his dick in a fucking ATM! I had gotten down to withdraw money to pay the Rick and was I was facing problems and this guy offered to pay for it but he kept touching me, inside the ATM! I decided to record him and he...
panicked. Luckily there was a cop car, and I showed them the video and they followed him. I don't know if they caught him, but this experience was so scary. It's sick that a man felt that it was okay to flash me inside an atm where there are cameras! When is it going to stop?
It was my birthday, and this is what happens I've always felt that my locality was safe, apparently not.
Please share this.
#metoo #violence #scary #abuse #atm @ThaneCityPolice @CPMumbaiPolice
Read 5 tweets
1. Da 400 giorni a #Milano si parla insistentemente di un aumento del biglietto #ATM a 2 euro e di tariffa unica in #areametropolitana. Perché? Non per alzare la qualità del trasporto pubblico locale.
2. ATM ha bilancio in attivo, contratto prorogato, un buon rapporto copertura biglietto sul costo di servizio. Il prezzo del ticket ponderato al n.di abitanti è in linea con altre metropoli. L'azienda sta bene e gode di proventi del contratto pubblico x partecipare a bandi in EU.
3. L'autosufficienza di ATM è minata da mancanza di vision su intermodalità, periferie e tpl notturno, gigantismo repressivo e crisi di Astaldi, non certo dal prezzo attuale del biglietto. Perché allora scontro sfiora la politica nazionale?
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