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Zwei #Mahnwachen in #NRW gegen #Schliefenanlagen am 23. Juni

Seid dabei! Ab 11:30 Uhr entweder vor dem Landtag NRW in Düsseldorf oder in Lemgo vor der Sparkasse (Mittelstraße 73-79) - Wir demonstrieren gemeinsam mit zahlreichen anderen Organisation für ein sofortiges Verbot(1/7) Oben im Bild eine Textbox m...
aller #Schliefenanlagen!

Was sind das für Anlagen?
Eine Schliefenanlage besteht aus einem künstlichen Tunnelsystem, das einen #Fuchsbau nachbilden soll. Um die #Jagdhunde auf die überaus grausame #Baujagd vorzubereiten, (2/7)
werden sie immer wieder in die künstlichen #Tunnel geschickt und auf den darin eingesperrten #Fuchs gehetzt. Jagdhund und Fuchs sind dabei letztlich nur durch ein Gitter voneinander getrennt. (3/7)
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Guten Abend an alle!
Heute habe ich schon kurz erklärt, dass
(1) Musikhören möglicherweise vermittelt über unsere Stress-Systeme zur Verbesserung unserer Gesundheit beitragen kann und
(2) wir Smartphones und Apps nutzen um dies tatsächlich im realen Alltag zu untersuchen (1/n)
Daher ist es jetzt Zeit für #ScienceInAction und einen Überblick bisheriger Alltagsbefunde:
(1) Gründe des Musikhörens
In einer ersten wichtigen Studie mit gesunden Studierenden fand meine frühere Kollegin, die wunderbare @AlexandraWuttke, dass…
Musikhören im Alltag mit geringerem subjektiven Stresserleben einherging - vor allem wenn mit dem Ziel der Entspannung Musik gehört wurde, denn dann zeigten sich zusätzlich geringere Werte des Stresshormons #Kortisol im Speichel (3/n)
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Aditi Vaze became a counselor through her gift for listening and empathizing 🎧💖

#counselor #empathy.
Therapy was once dismissed as a "pseudo-science," but Aditi persisted and now values evidence-based techniques 🧐📚

#therapy #evidencebased
Aditi faced many challenges and skeptics, but she persisted, knowing her work could help heal people. Today, she is proud to be part of a growing profession that values evidence-based techniques and rigorous training 👩‍⚕️💪🌟

#proud #mentalhealthprofessional
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Saviez-vous que le #mindmapping peut augmenter votre productivité jusqu'à 20 % ? 🧠💪 Cet outil aide à organiser vos pensées, stimule la créativité, favorise la mémorisation des informations #productivitytips #projectmanagement #Growth… #mindmappingdecision
Le #mindmapping est un outil idéal pour la résolution de problèmes ! En reliant les idées et les concepts, il permet de changer de regard, de détecter des #patterns, combler les trous d'informations. 🤔💭 #problemsolving #innovation #km…
Vous êtes un apprenant visuel ? Le #mindmapping est un outil parfait pour vous ! Des recherches ont montré que le canal visuel aide à mieux retenir les informations. Pour ancrer des concepts complexes, ça marche ! 📚👀 #studytips #visuallearning #learning…
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#mentalhealth #MentalHealthAwareness
#Stress 🧵🧵🧵
Stress is a natural response to challenging situations, but if it becomes chronic, it can have negative effects on our physical and mental health. Here are some tips on how to manage stress:
➡️ Identify your stressors: Start by identifying the situations or events that trigger your stress response. This can help you develop a plan to manage your stress effectively.
➡️ Practice relaxation techniques: Relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, and yoga can help reduce stress and promote feelings of calmness.
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1/ La méditation est une pratique de pleine conscience qui consiste à entraîner l'esprit à se concentrer sur le moment présent. Elle est pratiquée depuis des milliers d'années dans différentes cultures et traditions spirituelles à travers le monde.
2/ La méditation peut être pratiquée de différentes manières, notamment en se concentrant sur la respiration, en répétant un mantra ou en visualisant un objet. Elle peut être pratiquée seul ou en groupe, et il existe de nombreuses méditations pour répondre aux besoins de tous.
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Older people are less stressed, according to a recent 20-year analysis of 2845 adults. The study, led by David Almeida from Penn State, has been following a large group of adults since 1995. 👇 1/6
Young people (20s) report being more exposed to stressful events: challenges, as well as upsetting or disruptive events. 2/6
Older people (70s) only report being stressed 20-25% of the time, compared to 40-45% for young people. 3/6
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Heute bei der Lektüre meiner geliebten @SZ_Wissen ziemlich geärgert. Auf S. 1 der Hinweis auf eine Studie, nach der Menschen mit unregelmäßigem Schlafrhythmus ein erhöhtes KHK-Risiko haben. So weit nichts neues. Aber die Schlussfolgerungen sind absurd! Ein 🧵(1/8)
Gemeint sind Menschen, die am Wochenende zeitversetzt gegenüber der Arbeitswoche schlafen, die unter der Woche also einen Wecker stellen und am WE nicht. Es gibt dafür schon lange einen Fachbegriff: Sozialer Jetlag oder #SocialJetlag. "Abhilfe wäre einfach" lese ich: "... (2/8)
"Sich an feste Schlafzeiten gewöhnen und diese beibehalten." Das war der Moment, wo ich fast die Fassung verloren hätte. Wie kann man die Erkenntnisse der #Chronobiologie der letzten 20 Jahre ausblenden? Menschen ticken verschieden! Daran kann ... (3/8)…
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Mitochondria are essential to our overall health and well-being. In addition to producing energy, they regulate many critical processes in the body. (1/11) #mitochondria #energy #health
Mitochondria play a key role in the production and regulation of neurotransmitters. They also help produce key hormones like cortisol, estrogen, and testosterone. (2/11) #mitochondria #hormones #neurotransmitters #neurotwitter
Mitochondria are involved in epigenetics, which is the expression of #genes from the nucleus. They send signals to the nucleus that turn genes on or off. (3/11) #epigenetics #genes #mitochondria
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Hello there 👋🏽 I hope you’re having a lovely Thursday.

Today I thought I should pop in and just to share with you how having a stress ball helped me through academic stress and how that experience became the motivation behind us selling stress balls.
Also still keeping in mind that mental health is still a pressing issue in our community and we here at NeuroBloom Psychology practice are working on raising awareness through our mental health campaign shop. However we can’t do it without you, so we are urging you to check out
the shop. Not only will you be getting yourself an item from our store but 10% of the profit share is donate to Moreson Special School situated in Khomasdal and caters for about 150 learners with cognitive and intellectual impairments from across the country.
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I've been seeing some posts from well-intentioned faculty about eliminating all deadlines in their classes. I study #ExecutiveFunction, #stress and #mentalhealth in college #students, and I'm here to tell you this will hurt the students you are trying to help. . . 1/buckle up
Large tasks w/ long time horizons ("turn in all this work by the end of the semester") put max demands on EF. They require extensive planning, breaking down into steps, time management. For folks with EF difficulties they are overwhelming, lead to procrastination and anxiety 2/
As work piles up it becomes even more overwhelming, leading to more anxiety and avoidance, leading to more pile up. A vicious cycle that sets students up for failure. Structure and scaffolding of major assignments instead helps students stay on track for success. 3/
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📢OUT NOW: 4-Tage-Woche für alle?! Unser neues Dossier zu #Arbeitszeitverkürzung.

Wir fordern die 28h-Woche zur #Umverteilung von #Arbeit, persönlich verfügbarer Zeit und Einkommen. Zusammen mit @Attacd, @ISM_e_V, @sanktionsfrei und @350Deutschland.

Mehr im 🧵 1/6
Arbeitszeitverkürzung ist notwendig für den sozial-ökologischen #Umbau und ein gutes Leben für alle! Sie ist nötig für eine gerechte Aufteilung von #Sorgearbeit zwischen den Geschlechtern. 2/6
AVZ kann den Rück- & Umbau von klimaschädlicher Industrie abfedern, Beschäftigung sichern+Lohneinkommen erhalten. Sie kann Arbeitsbedingungen in Bereichen, die ausgebaut werden müssen – #Sorge, Gesundheit, #Pflege, Bildung – verbessern und dem Fachkräftemangel entgegenwirken. 3/6
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Woman in whom #migraine #headaches were triggered by financial dependence on husband

1. 35-year old Mahima- "Dr, my husband locks entire cash in a safe and takes the keys to office. I have no back account, so can't use UPI on mobile. I can't even buy a chocolate for my son."
2. Mahima had been consulting me for three months for frequent headaches, which were suggestive of migraine.
She was properly following my prescription, however, she still used to get 2-3 episodes of #headache every week.
I enquired with her about possible #stressors.
3. She had no interpersonal issues with in-laws or other family members and had no problems in marital life.
She was a housewife and had no source of income. She was dependent on husband for every expense, including buying small gifts for her son and even for emergency expenses.
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Psychosocial #Stress increases the risk of #stroke

1. A longitudinal study (2007-2021) was conducted on 27,000 people from 32 countries belonging to various continents to assess the relation of self-reported stress and risk of various types of stroke
#MedTwitter #neurotwitter
2. Increased stress at home and at work (within the previous 12 months) increased the risk of stroke by 95% (1.95 times) and 170% (2.7 times) respectively, as compared to no self-reported stress. Recent stressful events increased the risk of stroke by 1.3 times.
3. This association was consistent for all stress domains, including work stress, home stress, and financial stress. The association was independent of socioeconomic status, occupation, and educational level & remained significant after adjustment for cardiovascular risk factors.
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Why do a few young, physically active, seemingly healthy people suffer from heart attack?
1. A person with normal body weight, doing regular running, cycling, or working out in gym, is not immune to heart attack, as a few recent reports suggest. Here are some of the reasons why:
2. Hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy (HCM)
HCM accounts for 40% cases of sudden cardiac death (SCD) in young athletes. Unfortunately over 80 % of affected individuals are asymptomatic before SCD, which often occurs during exercise or in its aftermath.
#running #fitness
3. Cardiac arrhythmia
About 15-20% cases of SCD occur due to cardiac #arrhythmia (abnormal heart rhythm). In patients younger than 35, the most common cause of SCD is a fatal arrhythmia, usually in the context of a structurally normal #Heart.
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I'm absolutely delighted to share my newest review on how the #GutMicrobiota influences adult hippocampal #Neurogenesis! @jfcryan @oliviafoleary @Pharmabiotic @BPL_Journal

Our figure👇 shows key pathways by which #GutMicrobiota is known to influence AHN.…
@jfcryan @oliviafoleary @Pharmabiotic @BPL_Journal 2/5 #Neurogenesis (the birth, development, integration, and survival of neurons) in the #hippocampus regulates learning, memory, and mood, but is disrupted by lifestyle factors & diseases, including unhealthy diet, #aging, #stress, #AlzheimerDisease & in 🐭models of #Depression
3/5 (It is hard to measure hippocampal neurogenesis in human tissue, so most of our evidence relies on preclinical studies, along with mixed evidence in post-mortem tissue.

Below's figure outlines some common techniques for measuring neurogenesis)
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#Justice en danger #Marie 🖤
Qui mieux que @SirYesSir29 pour rendre hommage à la juge décédée mardi en 8 lors d'une audience de comparution immédiate à Nanterre. Comme beaucoup cette femme de 44 ans écopait pour maintenir le plus à flot possible le rafiot…
Justice dont les voies d'eau sont énormes.
Trop d'agents en charge de missions de #servicepublic sont écartelés entre ce qu'ils aimeraient réaliser et la piètre qualité (à leurs yeux) de leur rendu. Ces tensions internes permanentes sont des facteurs de #stress majeures avec des
conséquences physiologiques parfois tragiques.
Porter à bout de bras ce qu'il reste, au détriment souvent de temps personnel, tout en se voyant critiqué voir attaqué physiquement pour certains fonctionnaires. Et chaque jour poser le choix de faire de son mieux pour les autres en
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Doctors in India live 10 years lesser than average population- What can doctors do to save their lives?

Yes, you heard it right. Studies from Kerala and Pune by Indian Medical Association revealed these shocking statistics- doctors die about a decade earlier that the rest.
Life expectancy of a Malayali (native of Kerala) is 74.9 years but according to the IMA study, the mean ‘age of death’ of a Malayali doctor is 61.75 years. Indian doctor’s average lifespan is 55-59 years, almost 10 years lesser than that of the general population (IMA, Pune).
Common causes of death: #heart attacks (27%) and #cancers (25%). Other causes include #infections and #Suicides.
Risk factors for diseases and #death: physical inactivity, #obesity, #overweight, #stress, #sleep deprivation and long working hours are common among #doctors.
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Are you ready to take the guesswork out of your #healthcare strategy?

As @salesforce's Chief Medical Officer, it's my job is to anticipate questions surrounding health and wellness.

Read my 5️⃣ predictions that stand to shake up every #business 🧵👇 Graphic reads: Health is your business, no matter your indus
Sustainability and health are intrinsically linked. 🌎🩺

Orgs can help our communities by prioritizing business practices that conserve resources, fight #ClimateChange, and promote #HealthEquity.

In the journey to #NetZero, we must be part of the change. Graphic reads: Prioritizing sustainability and stabilizing o
We’re facing an alarming mental health crisis. It's past time for #business leaders to take bold steps.

Companies must do their part to understand and meet employees needs all while destigmatizing #MentalHealth.

As @hyder_brent says, “Without our people, we have nothing.” Graphic reads: The pandemic jolted global rates of major dep
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"God gave you a voice. Use it. If you can see the worth in me, then you can see the worth in everyone you meet. We are all called to serve, as an everyday act of humility, as a habit of mind. To see the worth in every person we serve."-- Elizabeth Bonker…
Gene Editing Can Change The Social Behavior of Animals in Unexpected Ways…
#GeneEditing, #VasopressinHormone, #AnimalBehavior, #UnexpectedOutcomes
Deep Visual Proteomics defines single-cell identity and heterogeneity | Nature Biotechnology…
#DeepVisualProteomics, #CellularPhenotypes, #ImageAnalysis, #ArtificialIntelligence
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Using a modern framework to examine #ViscountCastlereagh's exposure to #MentalHealth risks raises historiographical questions. The way we experience chronic stress may not be the same way that those in the 18th/19thC experienced it. 1/

#Castlereagh200 #twitterstorians #HistParl Image
We have to consider broader historical understandings of #stress. The idea of mental exhaustion has a long history. A writer in Aristotle’s circle in c. 350 B.C.E identified ‘melancholia’ as an affliction that was particularly tied to learned men, including statesmen. 2/ Image
Analysis of stress in the #19thC has identified drivers that are, in fact, quite similar to those of our own era, namely: working hours that were growing longer and more intense; the growth of information and new technologies; and anxiousness about an uncertain environment. 3/
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#2 B-COMPLEX/MULTI VITAMIN. Buy a liposomal or other form that increases bio-availability. Take 1 capsule w/Breakfast and Lunch. If you have stomach upset, try sublingual (under tongue) EZ Melt B-Complex in AM & Multi w/iron for Dinner.…
#3 OMEGA 3s. Fish Oil, Krill Oil, Algae Oil are all good sources of Omega 3. Be careful the EPA/DHA ratio. EPA helps with inflammation/DHA helps with cognition. You need both! Opt for a 1:1 or 2:1 ratio of DHA to EPA (2:1 ratio eg. 800 DHA/400EPA)…
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Probier's mal
mit Gemütlichkeit 🎶
Oder nimm es mit #Humor!
Manchmal passt die Arbeit einfach zur Lebenssituation. Ich freue mich jedenfalls sehr, dass ich diese Dissertation im Kontext Humor, #Flow & #Stress begutachten durfte! Spannende Theoriearbeit & lebenspraktisch. Chapeau!
@corinnapeifer @UniLuebeck @WorkHealthLab Und auch wenn ich keine Pflegefachkraft - dann hat doch auch mir eine Prise gesunder Humor gut durch die Corona-Pandemie geholfen. Also: Ein Hoch auf einen positiv humorvollen Blick auf die Welt! Nehmen wir uns alle nicht so ernst! Jetzt würden wir alle gern an der ...
@corinnapeifer @UniLuebeck @WorkHealthLab #Humorintervention teilnehmen - nich wahr?
Tja - aktuell sind wir alle noch in der Kontrollgruppe.
@corinnapeifer - lässt sich da noch was machen? Könnte ich dich für einen kleinen Thread zum Thema "Humor in der Corona-Dystopie" begeistern? :-)
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While #science thought us that we can even cut and paste #genes with #CRISPR technology…even with that we only influence 3% to 5% of #chronicillness. The rest depends on #how you #live your #life!!! So how do we #SelfRegulate our #body?
1. Good #sleep is more important than most think! What happens during sleep? The fluctuation of consciousness…that we call the waking state. But in many wisdom traditions of the world, the waking state is merely a lucid dream that consciousness is having…
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